cancer Healthy, ethical, sustainable food for all. Thu, 01 Feb 2024 18:43:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nut Health Benefits: You Won’t Believe How Good They Are for You Wed, 17 Jan 2024 18:00:00 +0000 Nuts have been an important food source for humans for thousands of years. But are nuts healthy? Are some nuts better for you than others? And are there any downsides to consuming them? Discover what you need to know about including nuts in your diet.

The post Nut Health Benefits: You Won’t Believe How Good They Are for You appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

It’s nuts (see what I did there?) how many studies are now discovering the numerous health benefits of nuts. It turns out that they’re actually one of the most health-giving foods on the planet. And while the research may be new — nuts aren’t.

In fact, a 2016 archeological dig in Israel found evidence that nuts formed a major part of our ancestors’ diet 780,000 years ago.

Dig researchers discovered seven varieties of nuts, along with stone tools to crack them open. These stone tools, called “nutting stones,” are similar to those found in the United States and Europe, and archeologists date them back 4,000 to 8,000 years.

Today, many of us enjoy walnuts, almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachios, cashews, macadamia nuts, and hazelnuts, plus honorary peanuts (even though peanuts are technically a legume) with enthusiasm.

Nuts are a popular plant-based protein source and are often used in dairy analogues like nut milk and nut cheese. And a variety of nut butters have emerged, beyond traditional peanut butter. Yet, we’re only beginning to appreciate the enormous nutritional benefits that nuts give us.

So how healthy are nuts? What actually constitutes a nut? Are there any downsides to eating nuts? And what are the best ways to store and eat them?

Types of Nuts

Top view of a rustic wood table filled with a large assortment of nuts like pistachios, hazelnut, pine nut, almonds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashew and walnuts. Some nuts are in brown bowls and wooden spoon and others directly on the table. Predominant color is brown. DSRL studio photo taken with Canon EOS 5D Mk II and Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM

Nuts come in many different shapes and sizes. But most of the different types of nuts fall under the tree nut category. As the name suggests, they grow on trees. But botanically, some of what we know as nuts may technically be fruits, drupes, or seeds.

In general, the word nut is used to describe a hard covering or shell surrounding a kernel or “meat” inside.

Some of the most common types of nuts include:

There are also a few other foods that have “nut” in their name that you may be wondering about. For example, are coconuts nuts? Coconuts are technically drupes because they have three layers: a smooth outer layer, a tough fibrous layer, and the fleshy part surrounding the middle.

Peanuts are also lumped into the nut category but are actually legumes. They’re the edible seeds of the peanut plant and grow underground rather than on a tree. But in terms of culinary usage, they’re very much nutlike.

Additionally, nutmeg does not come from a nut, but from a seed. Water chestnuts are actually roots or tubers. And corn nuts are still corn; they’re just roasted until they’re hard and crunchy like nuts.

Nut Nutrition

Nuts of all sorts have been an important food source for humans for centuries. In fact, it’s theorized that the discovery and inclusion of nuts in our diets may have helped shape our brains and intelligence.

This makes sense when you consider the walnut, especially. Walnuts resemble tiny brains inside a skull. As a result, they were often associated with brain health. But many different nuts have a variety of nutrients beneficial for brain health and beyond.

Nuts are a rich source of complex carbohydrates. Carbs in nuts vary, but cashews and almonds have some of the highest carbohydrate contents at 8.6 and 6.1 grams per one-ounce serving, respectively.

Nuts also contain a good amount of protein, which is why they’re often recommended as a protein source to include in a plant-based diet. Peanuts rank the highest in protein, followed closely by almonds, pistachios, and cashews.

Additionally, nuts contain fiber, contributing to satiety. Hazelnuts and almonds contain the most fiber per ounce at 3 and 4 grams, respectively.

Nuts contain both saturated and unsaturated fats. The high fat content in nuts also contributes to a relatively high amount of calories per serving. If you’re trying to manage weight, you may want to stick to some of the lowest-calorie nuts, such as raw chestnuts or cashews, or limit your portion to no more than one or two ounces per day.

Across the board, nuts also contain significant amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. A one-ounce serving of cashews contains 1.9 milligrams of iron, a vital mineral for transporting oxygen in the blood. And almonds, cashews, and peanuts are all good sources of magnesium. A single Brazil nut can also provide an entire daily value’s worth of selenium.

So with all of that to consider, what is the healthiest nut? Opinions may vary, but walnuts have some of the highest antioxidant levels and are also one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids. And researchers found that walnuts had the greatest health benefits among all the nuts studied in PREDIMED, a landmark randomized clinical trial on the Mediterranean diet.

Health Benefits of Nuts Worth Knowing About

When it comes to the health benefits of nuts, there are many worth knowing about. It seems that, unless you’re allergic to them, all nuts might be good for you in one way or another.

Nuts and Heart Health

Heart made of raw almond on wooden background Storto Fotografia

Epidemiologic studies have linked eating nuts with reduced rates of heart disease. And that’s extremely good news for everyone since heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.

A review on nuts and cardiovascular disease risk found that higher consumption of nuts worked out to a 19% reduction in disease incidence and a 25% reduction in death from heart disease. Researchers also found a correlation between nuts and lower risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke deaths.

What’s more, a Korean cohort study discovered that even just one 15-gram serving of nuts per week (about half an ounce) was associated with a lowered risk of high blood pressure.

Nuts and Diabetes

Relatedly, recent studies have also indicated that nut consumption may help manage or prevent type 2 diabetes.

Many people with type 2 diabetes also have some form of heart disease due to its metabolic impacts on the body. As a result, researchers used a systematic review to look at the blood lipid levels in people with type 2 diabetes. They found that both peanuts and tree nuts had an impact on total cholesterol and triglycerides in the diets of diabetes patients.

A 2021 meta-analysis of clinical trials also found that tree nut consumption reduced glucose levels and HbA1c levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Nuts and Brain Health

Read a calendar therapy exercises used by dementia patients

Walnuts do indeed look like little brains and may also help with brain health. A 2022 study in the journal Nutrients showed walnuts have a powerful protective effect against neuroinflammation. This is an important quality to have since neuroinflammation is directly linked to the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Another more recent review also suggests that nuts have a positive impact on cognitive health across the lifespan and may especially help prevent cognitive decline in older adults. In particular, walnuts were noted as the most promising nut in supporting cognition due to their omega-3 fatty acid content.

Nuts and Longevity

Speaking of being protective across your lifespan, a study of Seventh-Day Adventists (a religious denomination that emphasizes healthy living and a vegetarian diet) found that those who ate nuts at least five times per week gained, on average, an extra two years of life expectancy. The nut eaters also experienced a significant reduction in heart disease risk.

And perhaps most dramatically of all, a large-scale, 30-year-long study found that people who regularly ate one ounce of nuts at least seven times per week were 20% less likely to die for any reason, compared to those who avoided nuts in their diet.

Nuts and Cancer

A recovering senior adult man colorectal cancer patient is sitting resting comfortably in a hospital cancer ward easy chair while chemotherapy IV drip medicine is administered by an array of medical equipment through a subcutaneous intravenous chemo access port temporarily embedded into his upper chest. "Daily Living With Cancer" image brief - #700034767.

Many nuts have also been linked to lower rates of certain cancers. Studies done on walnuts, in particular, have found that they appear to be particularly protective against breast and prostate cancers. Walnuts and many other nuts contain a number of potent nutrients that may help fight cancer and boost overall health. These nutrients include ellagic acid, a phytochemical, and gamma-tocopherol, an antioxidant and the major form of vitamin E — both of which have strong anti-inflammatory and cancer-protective effects.

Nuts and Erectile Dysfunction

A clinical study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research looked at what happened to men with erectile dysfunction (ED) who ate three to four handfuls of pistachios a day for three weeks. They experienced a significant improvement in blood flow through their private parts. The researchers concluded that three weeks of pistachios “resulted in a significant improvement in erectile function… without any side effects.” That’s pretty impressive, considering the side effects of prescription ED medications.

Results from the FERTINUTS trial, a study examining the impact of nuts on sperm quality, also had positive things to say. The consumption of 60 grams a day of mixed nuts versus no nuts at all showed a significant increase in sexual function and desire among men.

Disadvantages of Nuts

Despite all the impressive health benefits of nuts, there are a few things to consider when adding them to your diet.

Nut Allergies

Peanut food allergy concept. Great concept of allergy and skin diseases. Nut allergies. No peanuts.

Perhaps the most obvious downside to nuts is that many children and adults are allergic to them. Tree nut allergies are the most common type of food allergy. And most children with a tree nut allergy are allergic to more than one nut and do not usually outgrow their allergy — as is sometimes the case with other food allergens.

Although peanuts are botanically legumes and not tree nuts, there is also a significant crossover between peanut and tree nut allergies. Around 25–40% of people with a peanut allergy also have a tree nut allergy.

Both peanut and tree nut allergies can have a range of symptoms, from coughing and wheezing to indigestion to hives, and, most severe of all, anaphylaxis. Obviously, if you have a peanut or tree nut allergy, do not consume them.

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) suggests that seeds (sesame, sunflower, or pumpkin) are often better tolerated in individuals with tree nut allergies. Coconuts, macadamia nuts, and pine nuts are also considered okay for many people with tree nut allergies since the former is botanically a fruit, and the latter two also fall under the seed category. Individuals should consult with their health care team to confirm these foods’ safety.

Nutrient Density

Nuts are some of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. This makes sense, considering they are a small package that has the potential to grow into a tree! But because they’re loaded with nutrition (and calories), a little can actually go a long way.

So what’s the recommended serving size of nuts? In general, current dietary guidelines recommend a 30-gram serving, or a little over an ounce. However, a handful has also been suggested as a valid (although, admittedly, not very scientific) nut serving size.

The one exception to this is Brazil nuts. Because a single Brazil nut can contain up to 96 micrograms of selenium, which is almost double the recommended amount, it’s probably best to only consume one to two Brazil nuts per day. Brazil nuts also contain barium, which can be toxic in large doses.

Antinutrients in Nuts

Quality control about dried fruit- HACCP (Hazard Analyses and Critical Control Points) concept image with peanuts, walnuts and almonds seen through a magnifying glass. Scatena

Because nuts and seeds contain the building blocks for new life, they also tend to come with protections in place to ensure that life succeeds. Antinutrients are plant chemicals that are meant to make a plant less tasty, to deter predators.

Nuts contain antinutrients like phytates, tannins, lectins, and oxalates. Antinutrients are so named because they interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. So, is this a reason to avoid eating nuts?

Although antinutrients are controversial in the nutrition world, they aren’t the bad guy they’re often made out to be. As we’ve seen in this article, nuts have amazing benefits. On the other hand, many studies done on antinutrients examine them in isolation, which is not how they’re consumed.

Antinutrients are found in many plant foods, along with a variety of beneficial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other plant compounds. In fact, their very inclusion may actually contribute to some of the health benefits seen in nuts and other plant-based foods.

So there’s no need to fear antinutrients in nuts. But if you do want to lessen your antinutrient consumption for whatever reason, you can do so by soaking nuts in water for 24–48 hours. Cooking, sprouting, or fermenting nuts also has the same effect.

For more on antinutrients, see our article, here.

How to Enjoy Nuts

Based on numerous studies, it appears that eating at least one serving of nuts a week, and potentially up to a serving per day, may lead to tremendous health benefits. But how you get those benefits is up to you.

You can enjoy nuts straight as a snack, with a sprinkling of salt or other seasoning, in trail mix or granola, or added to smoothies. Nuts also go well in a nut loaf or casserole, as a topping for salads, blended into nut milk, or prepared into nut cheeses, nut butters, or even pie crusts.

However, because nuts contain different types of fat, they’re prone to spoilage. Walnuts, in particular, are high in omega-3s and may go bad more quickly than other nuts. Fresh in-shell walnuts are best. If you’re a little adventurous, you can get a nutcracker and crack them yourself.

If you opt for shelled walnuts, store them in airtight containers in the refrigerator to prevent their oils from going rancid. According to the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources, nuts will retain their nutritional and flavor quality for up to one year if stored in the refrigerator or two years in the freezer. You can find out how long each type of nut lasts by viewing this chart on Eat By Date. Throw out (or compost!) any nuts that smell or taste sour or bitter.

And, of course, a food is only as healthy as the company it keeps. When nuts are overly salted or laden with sugar or with artificial additives and flavorings, they lose much of their nutritional value and can become a less healthy choice.

Nut Recipes

Enjoy nuts of all varieties for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert with these outrageously nutty and wonderfully delicious nut recipes!

1. Toasted Pistachio and Cherry Overnight Oats

Food for better sleep: Toasted Pistachio and Cherry Overnight Oats

Toasted Pistachio and Cherry Overnight Oats are a tasty way to get a healthy dose of powerful plant nutrients. Oats, cherries, chia seeds, and pistachios offer a great deal of fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Not to mention, cherries and pistachios are packed with nutrients to fight inflammation from their abundant phytonutrients, making this a nourishing breakfast that provides long-lasting energy and health.

2. One Sheet Spicy Almond Tofu and Green Beans

One Sheet Spicy Almond Tofu and Green Beans

Creamy almond butter breathes new life into protein-packed tofu and crisp green beans. In this recipe, the green beans are brushed with Spicy Almond Sauce before baking alongside the tofu and onions for a sheet pan meal that is efficient and scrumptious. Once everything’s done baking, pile your ingredients on top of rice (or your favorite whole grain), drizzle more nutty almond butter sauce on top, and garnish with additional flavors and textures for a restaurant-worthy nut recipe!

3. Fudgy Chocolate Chip and Walnut Brownies

What’s better than a warm fudgy brownie? If you guessed a warm fudgy brownie with walnuts, you’d be correct! These Fudgy Chocolate Chip and Walnut Brownies may seem too good to be true, but you certainly can have your (plant-based) cake and eat it, too. Made with fiber-rich oat flour, dairy-free, fair-trade dark chocolate, applesauce, and mashed banana, these brownies will have you coming back again and again. With dense gooey chocolate, crunchy walnuts, and a fudgy texture, these brownies are a naturally sweet treat you’ll be excited to sink your teeth into!

You’d Be Nutty to Ignore Nuts!

No matter what type of nuts you enjoy, you will find beneficial qualities in them. Nuts are nutritional powerhouses providing a potent source of plant-based protein as well as healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Their robust nutritional profiles also explain why they’re so good for you. From protecting your heart health to prolonging your life to even helping you out in the bedroom, nuts have a lot to offer.

And while there are a few downsides of nuts to consider, overall, the benefits far outweigh any drawbacks (unless you’re allergic, of course). From homemade nut butters to salad toppings, nuts offer a versatile and convenient way to elevate both taste and well-being, making them an indispensable addition to a health-conscious diet.

Editor’s Note: For top quality organic nuts, our favorite online purveyor is Their diverse selection is unmatched, offering everything from classic favorites to unique finds. also proudly operates with organic certification, adhering to stringent USDA guidelines for handling, packaging, and selling organic nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Click here to find out more. (Bonus: If you make a purchase using that link, they’ll contribute a share of the proceeds to support Food Revolution Network!)

Tell us in the comments:

  • What are your favorite types of nuts?
  • What health benefits of nuts are you most excited about?
  • How do you like to eat nuts?

Featured Image: Sosiukin

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The post Nut Health Benefits: You Won’t Believe How Good They Are for You appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

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12 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk Using Diet & Lifestyle Fri, 12 Jan 2024 18:00:00 +0000 Despite decades of medical research as part of a comprehensive “War on Cancer,” the disease is still the number two killer worldwide. The good news is, there are actions you can take to significantly reduce your cancer risk. And many of them are simple, inexpensive, and well within the reach of most people. In this article, we’ll explore 12 of the most effective ways to lower your chances of developing cancer.

The post 12 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk Using Diet & Lifestyle appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

On December 23, 1971, then-US President Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act, which earmarked hundreds of millions of dollars a year for the National Cancer Institute. Perhaps still cruising on the positive vibes following the successful moon landing two years earlier, Nixon expressed confidence that the so-called “War on Cancer” would lead to a cure within five years.

Unfortunately, it’s now been over 50 years, and cancer is still very much with us.

But cancer science has indeed made progress. Some cancers, like childhood leukemia, which had a 99% fatality rate in 1955, are largely curable these days. New drugs can add years of life to many people diagnosed with multiple myeloma. And many cancers have morphed from death sentences into manageable chronic conditions. Gene-editing technology also promises many more potential medical treatment advances in the years to come.

That’s the good news.

The less good news is that cancer is still a leading killer worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths every year (that’s nearly one-sixth of all deaths from all causes). And there’s a concerning uptick in cancer cases among people younger than 50, with the largest increases among those aged 30–39.

No matter what age it occurs, cancer can be a devastating disease physically, emotionally, and financially. And those burdens are often shared by friends and families. The financial toll can be especially disastrous if the person and their family lack the financial resources to take time off work or don’t have insurance.

Globally, the cost of cancers diagnosed between 2020–2050 is estimated to reach an almost incomprehensible $25.2 trillion. (To help wrap my head around that amount, I calculated that it would be enough money to provide $3,000 to every human being on Earth — with a trillion dollars to spare.)

Some researchers wonder, then, if the original framing of waging a “war” against cancer was a mistake. Viewing cancer as an external enemy took focus away from the value of prevention, which, in all likelihood, could have kept many cases of cancer from developing in the first place.

A lot of research over the last 50 years has pointed to the pivotal role of dietary and lifestyle choices in influencing cancer risk. In fact, one conservative estimate found that 30–40% of all cancers may be preventable with diet and lifestyle measures alone. (In case you’re keeping track, that could lead to savings of up to $10 trillion, and 120 million lives, over the next 30 years, which doesn’t sound too shabby to me.)

So what are these measures? How can you potentially prevent cancer in yourself or a loved one? In this article, we’ll look at 12 ways to reduce cancer risk.

What Can You Do to Help Prevent Cancer?

Asian doctor woman encourage young woman patient by holding hand Maneerat

While many diet and lifestyle strategies have research behind them showing they can help prevent cancer, there are no guarantees in life. There are many different factors that may contribute to a cancer diagnosis. Everyone is biologically different. And what works for one person may not work for another.

But if you want to give yourself the best chance of preventing a cancer diagnosis, there are a few strategies that may help eliminate exposure to harmful cancer-causing chemicals and dietary compounds, along with preventing oxidative stress — a known contributor to carcinogenesis — in the body.

1. Don’t Smoke or Vape Tobacco

Woman brakes cigarette in hands. Woman refusing tobacco. Stop smoking, quit smoking or no smoking cigarettes. High quality photo Kulkova

Tobacco smoking is the leading cause of cancer in the US and accounts for 25% of all cancer deaths globally (including the majority of lung cancers). Cigarette smoke contains numerous carcinogens, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), N-nitrosamines, aromatic amines, 1,3-butadiene, benzene, aldehydes, and ethylene oxide.

And while smokers’ risk of lung cancer can be a whopping 22 times higher than that of nonsmokers, smoking increases the risk of many other types of cancer as well. Associations also exist between smoking and skin cancer, prostate cancer, multiple myeloma, endometrial carcinoma, and breast cancer

While the long-term effects of vaping and e-cigarettes are as of yet unknown, preliminary research suggests that they may also increase cancer risk. Similarly, vaping can expose you to nasty-sounding carcinogens such as nicotine derivatives (nitrosonornicotine and nitrosamine ketone), PAHs, heavy metals, and complex organic compounds such as formaldehyde.

While quitting smoking at any age can improve your health, doing so at a young age can significantly lower cancer incidence and increase life expectancy.

2. Avoid Plastics

Plastics are another environmental toxin linked to an elevated risk of cancer. This is most clearly seen where plastic exposure is the greatest such as in occupational exposure during manufacturing.

But as industrially-produced plastics continue to grow and infiltrate our lives, it’s harder and harder to find water, food, or soil that doesn’t contain microplastics. Even more concerning is their ability to find their way into living tissue due to their tiny size. While researchers first noticed microplastics in the flesh of marine creatures, now studies show they’re increasingly prevalent in human bodies as well.

Even if you avoid seafood and don’t work in a factory that produces or uses plastic, you still risk exposure to potentially carcinogenic chemicals from plastics found in everyday items.

Plastic packaging for food products can leach harmful chemicals into that food, especially if the contents are heated or acidic (like tomato sauce). Two of the most frequently implicated plastic chemicals are BPA and phthalates.

BPA may cause metabolic disease, obesity, infertility, and ADHD; while phthalates, as endocrine disruptors, can compromise pregnancy, child growth, and reproductive system development. Both chemicals have links to cancer.

BPA has a role in promoting several hormone-dependent cancers (breast, ovarian, and prostate). Exposure to phthalates during childhood is associated with an increased incidence of childhood osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and lymphoma (blood and lymph cancers).

BPA and phthalates aren’t limited to food packaging, however. They’re also in toys, medications, and beauty and personal care products.

The plastics industry has responded to growing concern by using plastics touted as “BPA-free” and “phthalate-free.” But the problem is, other chemicals found in plastics — nearly every type of plastic — turn out to be toxic as well.

It’s not clear whether swapping one type of plastic for another will pay health dividends, at least not nearly as much as finding ways to reduce overall exposure to plastic. Reducing your plastic footprint benefits not just you, but the wider environment.

You can replace plastic food containers with safer ones that have the added benefit of being long-lasting. And for both health and environmental reasons, you can eliminate, as much as possible, highly wasteful and polluting single-use plastics from your life.

Here are nine tips to help you live without plastic (yes, it really is possible!).

3. Avoid Processed Foods and Meats

Diet. young woman refuse delicious chocolate glazed donut, junk food, unhealthy food and eating fresh vegetables salad for good health at home, weight loss, lifestyle, healthy food and dieting concept

Now it’s time to talk about food. Many processed foods contain harmful cancer-causing ingredients. While many countries have banned these ingredients, they’re still very much a part of the ultra-processed US food system.

A 2023 study found that eating large amounts of ultra-processed food is associated with a higher risk of developing cancers of the upper digestive tract, such as mouth, throat, and esophageal cancer.

Processed meat, in particular, has been associated with increased cancer risk. The World Health Organization (WHO) classified it as a class 1 carcinogen back in 2015. Specifically, a comprehensive 2021 meta-analysis found that processed meat consumption was associated with “a 6% greater breast cancer risk, an 18% greater colorectal cancer risk, a 21% greater colon cancer risk, a 22% greater rectal cancer risk, and a 12% greater lung cancer risk.”

Fortunately, it’s possible to replicate a lot of the taste and texture of processed meats with plant-based alternatives. Some are definitely kinder to your health than others. And the healthiest will generally be the ones you make yourself. You can even make bacon out of plants!

4. Filter Your Water

Multiple carcinogens exist in drinking water, too. Some, like arsenic, occur naturally, while others are the result of contamination from industry or agriculture. Still others are created when chlorine, used to disinfect tap water, comes into contact with organic material.

The 2000 movie Erin Brockovich told the true story of a town’s contaminated water supply. Unfortunately, a 2022 survey of US federal and state water testing found that the tap water of more than 250 million Americans still has dangerously high levels of this contaminant (chromium-6).

A 2023 study found that the tap water consumed by half of all households in the US is contaminated with cancer-causing PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” so named because they’re extremely resistant to breaking down, either in the environment or the body.

Microplastics are also increasingly concentrated in drinking water.

For tips on how you can treat your drinking water to reduce health risks, check out this comprehensive article on drinking water treatment.

Editor’s Note: Having a good home water filter is a great way to protect your family (and to save money over buying bottled water, which typically comes in plastic). One option that FRN likes is the AquaTru — a countertop RO unit that includes excellent carbon filter technology, delivers high-quality water and flavor, slashes the purchase cost, requires no installation fees, is remarkably water-efficient, and has extremely minimal maintenance costs. The manufacturer, AquaTru, states that their system removes chromium-6, arsenic, PFAS, and a great many other contaminants. It’s available for a $100 discount for FRN members. If you’re interested, you can find out more here.

5. Filter Your Air

Young woman using digital tablet to set up a home air purifier.

While many people think that lung cancer only happens to smokers, up to 29% of all lung cancer deaths are attributable to poor air quality. Some of this comes from outdoor pollution, including car exhaust, factory and power plant emissions, and wildfire smoke, which can travel indoors, where the carcinogenic particles can become even more concentrated.

Your home is also a potential source of airborne cancer-causing chemicals. Cooking with a gas stove, it turns out, can be more of a contributor to carcinogenic air than even second-hand cigarette smoke. Gas stoves can raise indoor levels of benzene, a carcinogen linked to leukemia and other blood cell cancers.

VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are chemicals that can off-gas from cleaning supplies, paints, insecticides, lacquers and stains, and many other products. Some of these are suspected human carcinogens, as well as having multiple other health effects.

Another chemical that can build up in the home and raise the risk of cancer is radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. You can get your home tested, and if levels are high, you can either increase the rate of airflow, get a suitable home air filter, or install an underground ventilation system to divert the gas before it enters your living spaces.

To find out more on the top sources and stunning health effects of indoor air pollution, and what you can do about it, see our article, here.

Editor’s Note: One way to protect ourselves from indoor air pollution is with an air purifier. At FRN, we’re big fans of the AirDoctor — a top-notch home air filter for a remarkably affordable price (currently further discounted for FRN readers). It features a state-of-the-art UltraHEPA filter that removes particles 100 times smaller than the ordinary HEPA filter. Find out more here.

6. Reduce Your Stress

There are also internal contributors to cancer development: how we process stressors. While the stress response is a crucial system that has evolved to keep us safe in the presence of a threat, many people experience a chronic stress response that remains active even in the absence of an external threat.

Animal studies (our view on the use of animals in medical research is here) and lab-grown human cancer cells have provided evidence that chronic stress may cause cancer to get worse and spread. That’s because prolonged stress triggers inflammation, suppresses immunity, and promotes tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis.

There’s also evidence that persistent and chronic stress exposure might also contribute to tumor initiation in specific cancers.

While you can’t avoid all of life’s stressors, there are some proven strategies that can help you manage stress more effectively. Certain foods can help (here are seven of them.) And adaptogens are plants and herbs that could be especially useful in helping your body deal with stressors and come back into balance.

Exercising and spending time in nature are also documented ways of lowering stress levels. For an added boost of calm, you can do both at the same time, an approach known as green fitness.

7. Use (Natural) Sunscreen

Sunscreen, hat and glasses on beach . Day with sunny in Çeşme,Turkey. Kalı Ertuğrul

Skin cancer accounts for almost one-third of all diagnosed cancers, and the incidence of both melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers has been increasing over the past decades.

The main factors that predict the development of melanoma appear to be a combination of a history of sunburn from ultraviolet radiation and continued recreational exposure to the sun.

One way to keep the sun from damaging your skin is by using sunscreen. Studies have shown that it does reduce the risk of skin cancers. Unfortunately, not all sunscreens are benign. Some contain benzophenone, a suspected carcinogen that also can interfere with key hormones and reproductive organs.

It’s ironic that many people who seek to avoid one type of cancer end up doing so with products that promote other cancers, as well as additional health problems. To avoid this “from-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire” scenario, look for natural sunscreens or other forms of natural sun protection. There are even foods that can protect your skin from harmful UV radiation.

For advice on what to look for in a natural sunscreen, see our article, here.

Editor’s Note: My favorite natural sunscreen is Annmarie’s Sun Love. It contains a formula of organic, wildcrafted ingredients for safe and effective skin protection, and it’s never tested on animals (though it does contain a small amount of organic beeswax). Find out more here.

8. Wash Produce to Remove Pesticides

The greatest cancer risk associated with pesticides is occupational, affecting farm workers who apply pesticides. However, there may also be a risk from dietary sources. Estimates put more than 90% of the US population with detectable concentrations of pesticide biomarkers in their urine or blood.

While many fruits and vegetables are potent cancer-fighters, some of the pesticides used to grow them promote tumor growth, as well as cause harmful gene expression and DNA modification. For example, a 2021 study found a correlation between dietary exposure to pesticides and increased breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women.

But there are several things you can do to minimize your exposure to these potentially carcinogenic compounds. If you can access and afford organic produce, that’s a great way to keep some of the worst pesticide offenders off your plate.

If a 100% organic shopping cart is out of your reach, you can get the most pesticide-free bang for your buck by going organic with the most pesticide-contaminated produce aka “the Dirty Dozen.”

And while you can’t remove all pesticide residue by washing your produce, a water and baking soda mixture can get rid of some pesticides.

For more on how to wash produce to remove the vast majority of pesticide residues, see our article here.

9. Use Nontoxic Cookware

Orange dutch oven on wooden board with ingredients around it

Even after buying organic and washing off as much pesticide residue as you can, you may still be cooking your produce in ways that increase cancer risk. That’s because some nonstick cookware has a coating of carcinogenic chemicals.

The two biggest culprits are poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). PFOA is widely used in the manufacture of a bunch of industrial and commercial products, including Teflon coating on cookware. It’s associated with several cancers, including those of the testicles and kidneys, as well as pancreatic cancer.

To avoid these chemicals, check out some of our suggestions on healthy cookware options.

Editor’s Note: Xtrema is a premium choice for a nontoxic kitchen. Their 100% pure ceramic cookware is safe, scratch-resistant, and easy to clean. Plus, Food Revolution Network members can enjoy a 15% discount with code FRN15. Find out more about their best-selling Versa Pan here.

10. Drink Less (or No) Alcohol

While the media and wellness influencers debate the pros and cons of red wine for heart health, the evidence is clear and increasingly compelling that alcoholic beverages qualify as group 1 carcinogens. This doesn’t mean they get to board airplanes first. Rather, “group 1” is used by the WHO to indicate that there’s “convincing evidence that the agent causes cancer” in humans.

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of several cancer types, including cancers of the upper digestive tract, liver, colorectum, and breast. Worldwide, about 4% of cancers have a correlation with alcohol consumption.

But how much alcohol do you need to drink before your risk of cancer increases? According to the WHO, there’s no safe level of alcohol consumption. While the risk of developing cancer increases substantially the more alcohol you consume, even light or moderate consumption raises your odds of developing cancer.

Find out more on how alcohol affects your health here, and get some suggestions on nonalcoholic or mocktail recipes here.

11. Get Regular Cancer Screenings

Senior woman having mammography scan at hospital with medical technician. Mammography procedure, breast cancer prevention

Although no substitute for prevention, it’s often true that early detection can be a lifesaver. Getting regular cancer screenings can enable your health care provider to find precancerous cells as well as cancerous tumors.

Specifically, medical societies recommend screening for cancers that are easier to treat and cure when found early. For example, screenings can prevent colorectal and cervical cancers by identifying and removing precancerous lesions before they become cancerous.

Recent studies are also showing that mammography screenings decrease women’s risk of dying from breast cancer. A large-scale 2020 study out of Sweden found that women who participated in mammograms reduced their risk of dying of breast cancer within 10 years by a whopping 41%.

Another screening success has been the Pap smear, which I just learned was named after Dr. Georgios Papanikolaou, the Greek pathologist who discovered the test and publicized it in 1943. Over the past three decades, its widespread use has been credited with decreasing cervical cancer incidence and mortality by over 50%.

Colonoscopies that look for colorectal cancer may also be beneficial once people have reached a certain age. (According to the American Cancer Society, that age is 45 for folks with “average risk”).

Keep in mind, however, that there are also risks involved in all cancer screenings, including false positives that can lead to invasive treatments, as well as aggressively treating tumors that may be so slow-growing as to represent little threat to health.

Additionally, certain cancer screening tests may only be suggested for people who are high-risk. Others are routine tests done regularly after a certain age. To find out what cancer screenings are recommended by the American Cancer Society, here’s a resource they put together.

And remember the adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. For most of us, the best prevention is a healthy diet and lifestyle. Starting with choosing to…

12. Eat Cancer-Fighting Foods

While most of the items on this list are things to avoid — tobacco smoke, plastics, processed foods, etc. — there are also things you can add more of to help prevent cancer.

Vegetable and fruit consumption is associated with a lower risk of many cancers, including those of the stomach, esophagus, lung, oral cavity and pharynx, endometrium, pancreas, colon, and others. The effects are likely due to the many positive qualities of whole plant-based foods. But two of the best studied are phytonutrients and fiber.

Phytonutrients and phytochemicals found in colorful plant foods, in particular, have been shown to possess anticancer effects. These and other antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in your cells and fight oxidative stress in your body.

Oxidative stress plays a major role in cancer cell metabolism. Cancer patients frequently have low antioxidant stores, and experience increased oxidative stress, leading researchers to seek ways to increase antioxidant activity as a cancer prevention strategy.

Fiber is another key nutrient for cancer prevention. There’s a clear link between fiber and colorectal health. You can think of fiber as the “broom” that sweeps your colon clean. Studies show that people who consumed just 10 more grams of fiber per day had a 10% reduction in their risk of developing colorectal cancer.

But fiber’s benefit doesn’t stop there. Multiple studies have found that the more fiber you eat, the lower your risk of breast and other hormonal cancers.

For more on why fiber is good for you, including a beautifully designed graphic showing 33 of the best high-fiber foods and a bunch of delicious fiber-rich recipes, check out this article.

And for more on anticancer foods, check out 7 Ways to Eat to Defeat Cancer Today and Every Day by Dr. William Li.

Cancer-Fighting Recipes

While some of the strategies shared in this article may take time and even a bit of expense to implement (changing cookware and sunscreen, replacing plastic containers with glass ones, getting a home air purifier, and so on), you can quickly make a dent in your cancer risk through the food you prepare and eat today.

Here are a few of our favorite anticancer recipes that taste so good, you’ll be forgiven for forgetting how good they are for you.

1. Smashed Edamame Avocado Toast

Smashed Edamame Avocado Toast

This easy toast recipe delivers a hefty dose of fiber, which is essential for digestive health and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. Avocado is a nutrient powerhouse, rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The star ingredient, however, is edamame, which adds a substantial dose of plant-based protein and isoflavones. These phytonutrients may protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of cancer development. Enjoy the flavors, textures, and nutritional attributes of this craveable breakfast.

2. Strawberry Spinach Salad

Strawberry Spinach Salad

Delight in a vibrant salad bursting with flavor and packed with cancer-fighting nutrients. This colorful ensemble features nutrient-rich spinach, known for its abundance of antioxidant cancer fighters like vitamin C and beta-carotene. It’s also complemented by sweet and succulent strawberries, offering a dose of ellagic acid — a phytonutrient that helps scavenge free radicals. The Strawberry Spinach Salad also provides quercetin — a plant compound with anticancer properties. Topped with a tangy beet balsamic dressing, this salad is a mouthwatering treat and a potential ally in your journey toward cancer prevention.

3. Pink Cauliflower Soup

Indulge in a flavorful blend of cauliflower, beets, garlic, tofu, and aromatic spices designed with potential cancer-fighting properties in mind. Cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable rich in sulforaphane, may assist in reducing the risk of certain cancers by aiding in the body’s natural detoxification processes. Vibrant beets contribute betalains known for their anti-inflammatory properties. And garlic adds allicin, believed to possess powerful anticancer effects. With the addition of delicate microgreens, you’ll also get an extra boost of essential vitamins and minerals.

4. Plant-Powered Lunch Bowl

This Plant-Powered Lunch Bowl is a vibrant mix of nutrient-dense kale, antioxidant-packed turmeric, and carotenoid-rich sweet potatoes. Complemented by a vibrant matcha turmeric dressing, this bowl is more than just a delicious meal — it’s a cancer-fighting recipe. The abundance of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals from all of the ingredients creates a bowl bursting with health benefits.

5. Rainbow Smoothie

Indulge in a vibrant Rainbow Smoothie, a flavorful concoction blending the goodness of banana, apple, mixed berries, nutrient-rich spinach, and chia seeds, all with potentially cancer-preventive properties. This colorful smoothie offers a wealth of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. Both berries, particularly rich in anthocyanins and vitamin C, and spinach, abundant in folate and antioxidants, are believed to combat oxidative stress and inflammation, potentially reducing cancer risk. Combined with the fiber and omega-3 fatty acids from chia seeds, this refreshing smoothie is a nourishing and delightful treat!

Take Control of Your Health with These Cancer Prevention Strategies

Cancer can be devastating. And while medical advances have been largely modest and limited to certain families of cancer, there’s a lot of hope in the form of evidence-based strategies for lifestyle-based cancer prevention.

From steering clear of harmful substances like tobacco and plastics to embracing stress reduction techniques and consuming cancer-fighting foods, there are many steps you can take toward a healthier lifestyle.

While no approach guarantees immunity from cancer, the combination of these measures can significantly reduce your risk. And the collective impact of these lifestyle changes holds promise not just for individual well-being but also for a future in which the devastating impact of cancer is diminished.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Which of the 12 cancer-fighting strategies above do you already engage in?
  • What’s one thing you can do right now to reduce the risk of cancer for yourself and your loved ones?
  • Which cancer-fighting recipe will you make next?

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The post 12 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk Using Diet & Lifestyle appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

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The Golden Spice: Understanding the Health Benefits and Risks of Turmeric Wed, 10 Jan 2024 18:00:00 +0000 Turmeric is a richly hued and strong-tasting spice that’s venerated on the Indian subcontinent for its spiritual significance, culinary uses, and medicinal power. And lately, it’s been marketed as a superfood supplement promising protection from disease and increased longevity. So what does scientific research say about turmeric? Does it live up to its hype? Does it have any side effects in high doses? Is it dangerously high in lead? And what’s the best way to consume it?

The post The Golden Spice: Understanding the Health Benefits and Risks of Turmeric appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

The International Olympic Committee sometimes adds new events to the Olympics. Recent sports being considered for inclusion are kickboxing, karate, squash, flag football, and breakdancing.

Those are all well and good, but what would seriously make my day is an Olympic event highlighting the foods that do the most to support health and longevity.

If I were a betting man, I’d put my money on the benefits of turmeric to win the gold. And that would be fitting since turmeric is known in India as “haldi,” the Golden Spice. It earned its nickname not just from its bold yellow-gold color but its associations with prosperity, purity, and good fortune.

In India, powdered turmeric features prominently in a traditional pre-wedding ceremony. Turned into a yellow paste, it’s applied liberally to the bride and groom’s bodies to bring them good fortune and ward off the evil eye. Unmarried friends and family members may also benefit, as whoever gets touched by the paste will supposedly find an attractive partner soon.

In addition to its ritual uses, turmeric has been revered in India for its powerful medicinal properties for over 4,000 years. A mainstay of Ayurveda, the Indian healing tradition, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine, turmeric is now being extensively studied by modern science for its potential health benefits.

In fact, it’s thought that turmeric may be one of the most potent anti-inflammatory compounds ever examined. And preliminary evidence suggests it may reduce the risk of just about every major chronic condition.

As a result, turmeric has achieved virtual superfood status in the industrialized world, bottled into a variety of supplements. But is it effective in supplemental form? And if you get it through food, how much is enough? Can you get too much? And should you be concerned about lead exposure?

Let’s dive into the world of turmeric and explore the evidence about the health benefits and risks of the Golden Spice.

What Is Turmeric?

Fresh turmeric holding by hand, Food ingredients in Asian food and used in beauty spa and herbal medicine

Turmeric, or Curcuma longa to botanists, is a plant in the ginger family (called Zingiberaceaea, which would get me knocked out of a spelling bee if I didn’t have it written out in front of me). Other members of that family include galangal and cardamom.

Turmeric is native to Southeast Asia, where it’s now grown commercially (primarily in India) and used as a cooking spice.

There are over 50 different cultivars of turmeric, with the most common being the Madras and Alleppey varieties.

The culinary part of the plant is its rhizome (underground stem). Think gingerroot, just a bit skinnier and a whole lot yellower. As a spice, turmeric has a slightly bitter, pungent, and nutty taste. And its intense hue can range from yellow to gold to orange. It’s the main spice in many curry powders and the one that gives them their distinctive color.

Turmeric has both culinary and medicinal uses. Around the world, almost one billion people use it daily as a cooking spice. You can eat the rhizomes whole, either cooked or raw. And you can also use them dried and ground into a spice powder. In addition to its culinary uses, turmeric is also used as a preservative for food and as a coloring agent for mustards.

Turmeric and extracts made from it are also consumed as a supplement, orally in capsule or liquid form, or even as a paste.

Turmeric Nutrition

Like a lot of other spices, turmeric is a rich source of many essential minerals. These include iron (the nonheme variety that doesn’t build up in blood), copper, manganese, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. Fresh turmeric also delivers a small amount of fiber.

Turmeric’s big claim to fame, though, is its curcuminoids — the compounds that give the root not just its yellow color but also many of its health benefits. The main curcuminoid is curcumin, which, despite its name, doesn’t come from cumin. Curcumin is a polyphenol, a plant compound that acts as an antioxidant in our diets and has disease-fighting properties.

For more on polyphenols, check out our full article here.

The Benefits of Turmeric

At the top of this article, I said that turmeric could win a gold medal at the Nutrition Olympics. Let’s look at the evidence that leads me to give the spice a 10 out of 10.

Turmeric Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Woman holding.

Curcumin is often used as an anti-inflammatory agent in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. And many studies have put this application to the test.

A 2019 article reviewed test-tube and animal studies where curcumin showed protective effects against several gastrointestinal problems that were caused or worsened by inflammation (our view on the use of animals in medical research is here). These included acid reflux, Barrett’s esophagus (where the esophageal lining experiences damage from acid reflux), and H. pylori infection of the stomach.

Curcumin has also shown promise in reducing the effects of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It seems to work by helping to calm cells that are involved in inflammation. As a result, it’s theorized that curcumin could be a treatment option for reducing IBD flare-ups.

A 2021 meta-analysis also found curcumin to be effective in lessening the pains of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by reducing inflammation, swelling, and pain. Included among the results was a 1980 study out of Iran that found curcumin supplementation helped reduce morning stiffness and joint swelling in human patients with RA.

Turmeric and Blood Sugar

Curcumin also shows great promise in treating and perhaps even preventing type 2 diabetes. A 2021 meta-analysis provided evidence that the compound may achieve these results by reducing inflammation and blood sugar levels.

And a 2023 meta-analysis of human trials found that turmeric can help lower blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Unlike many diabetes drugs, however, the side effects of turmeric were positive. They included lowering total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, insulin resistance, and markers of inflammation. The results appeared to be dose-dependent — that is, the more turmeric people consumed, the greater the effects.

Turmeric and Brain Health

Depressed senior Asian man lying in bed cannot sleep from insomnia

Because of curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and other beneficial properties, it’s being studied as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. The challenge is to deliver the curcumin in a way that enables it to easily cross the blood-brain barrier. Researchers are trying to make the compound more bioavailable by binding it to “carrier molecules.”

A 2022 review article reports that curcumin may also help people with early-onset Alzheimer’s lessen the sleep disturbances that often accompany the disease. This is important because your body requires quality sleep to “do maintenance” on the brain and clean out harmful substances — so Alzheimer’s and poor sleep make for a vicious cycle of increasing brain damage.

Turmeric and Cancer

Research shows that curcumin can help prevent the initiation of cancers and slow their development once they’ve occurred. How does it do this? Researchers believe that its anticancer mechanisms include inhibiting cellular growth, reducing the invasion and migration capabilities of cancer cells, enhancing programmed cell death, reducing inflammation, and favorably altering the intestinal microbiome.

Based on studies of which molecules curcumin targets in cancer cells, it may be that curcumin could be particularly effective in combating prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and head and neck squamous cell cancer.

And according to a 2020 review article, several studies suggest that adding curcumin to chemotherapy treatment regimens enhances the efficacy of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This combination may extend the survival times of patients, boost the levels of proteins that prevent the spread of cancerous tumors, and alleviate adverse effects.

Turmeric and Heart Health

Medical heart cardiology

A 2017 meta-analysis found that the curcumin in turmeric might help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. It seems particularly effective in reducing cholesterol levels in people with metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease. While much research has focused on curcumin, some studies also suggest that whole turmeric may be even more effective at lowering cholesterol than supplemental curcumin alone.

There are several conditions that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. And these conditions all share several underlying factors: oxidative stress, impaired mitochondrial function, metabolic irregularities such as changes in lipid levels and glucose processing, as well as inflammatory responses. Curcumin demonstrates a wide range of effects that target these particular factors, suggesting that it could reduce the risk of heart disease in some of the most vulnerable populations, including elderly people as well as those who are obese and/or have type 2 diabetes.

Curcumin Bioavailability

To recap, science has recognized what many cultures have known for centuries: Turmeric has powerful medicinal properties that can help treat a wide variety of diseases and conditions. But much of the data and recorded health benefits of turmeric have been based on studies that used supplements and extracts of curcumin rather than whole turmeric root or turmeric powder.

This creates a challenge because we know that human bodies aren’t great at absorbing curcumin, either from food or in supplemental form. That’s because curcumin is what’s known as hydrophobic, which doesn’t mean it’s afraid of swimming pools. Rather, it’s very poorly absorbed in water, which makes it hard for your body to get the compound into your cells where it can do good. That means the underlying science is unavoidably muddy since it’s hard to know what dose of curcumin a patient has absorbed. You can only tell the amount given.

Fortunately, researchers have begun finding proven ways to increase curcumin’s bioavailability.

1. Turmeric and Black Pepper

Turmeric and Pepper in bowls. Rizzuto

When you eat dishes that contain turmeric, you can absorb more curcumin if you add black pepper. This gives you the synergistic compound piperine, which significantly enhances the serum concentration, absorption, and bioavailability of curcumin. One study found that people who ate piperine along with curcumin absorbed 20 times more of the curcumin than people who didn’t receive black pepper. (If you’re looking to make this sound impressive, you can also say that black pepper increases curcumin bioavailability by 2,000% — which is just a fancy way of adding two zeros and a percent sign.)

You can take advantage of this finding by following Dr. Greger’s advice: Every day, consume a quarter teaspoon of dried turmeric with a pinch of black pepper.

Editor’s Note: Our top choice for dried turmeric is Burlap & Barrel’s New Harvest Turmeric. Grown in southern India using sustainable agriculture techniques, this organic turmeric stands out for its exceptional quality. It boasts a high curcumin content of 4%, which contributes to its potent health benefits and vibrant flavor. It’s also rigorously tested in an internationally accredited food safety lab to ensure it’s free of contaminants like lead. Click here to learn more.

2. Eat Turmeric with a Healthy Fat

Another way to increase the bioavailability of curcumin is to eat a healthy fat along with your turmeric. That’s because, while curcumin isn’t very soluble in water, it gets along really well with fat. Traditional Indian cuisine reflects this insight, as Indian dishes that include turmeric are often cooked with coconut milk, vegetable oil, or ghee.

If you want to stick to whole plant foods, remember that nuts, seeds, and avocados are generally good sources of healthy fat that can increase curcumin bioavailability as well.

Here are some of our favorite turmeric-containing recipes to help you get more of the Golden Spice into the cells of your body.

3. Curcumin Supplements

Closed up dry organic turmeric powder in capsule on wooden spoon on white background Promtha

Researchers have also found ways to increase the bioavailability of supplemental curcumin.

Nanoparticle Curcumin

One is by encapsulating the curcumin in nanoparticles, which are just like regular particles, but a lot more nano.

Okay, okay. I’ll look it up for you: Nanoparticles are very (very, very) small particles measured in nanometers, and a nanometer is one-millionth of a millimeter. The thing about nanoparticles is that at that size, they behave differently than larger particles, both on a physical and chemical level. And one of those differences is in the way they can dissolve in water while protecting the curcumin they’re surrounding.

Micellar Curcumin

A second technique for increasing the bioavailability of supplemental curcumin is to chemically change it to a micellar form. Micelles are very small lipid molecules that act as a carrier for fat-soluble curcumin and make it water-soluble, which allows the curcumin to sneak in, so to speak.

But does that actually work? Well, to put it to the test, researchers conducted a study, published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research in 2014. They gave participants a 500-mg dose of curcuminoids in either a native curcumin powder, micronized powder, or liquid micelles, and then measured blood levels of curcuminoids in the 24 hours that followed. The researchers found that, compared to the native curcumin, the micronized powder conferred a 9-fold increase in absorption. That sounds pretty impressive until you hear about the winner — the liquid micelle format, which led to a 185-fold increase.

In their discussion, the researchers also compared their bioavailability results with those found in other studies on bioavailable curcumin forms, including the use of the piperine found in black pepper (which led to a 20-fold increase in bioavailability), turmeric essential oils (which had a 7-fold higher bioavailability), and curcumin incorporated into lecithin (which conferred a 4-fold better absorption). They called micellar curcumin’s 185-fold result “unrivaled.”

Liposomal Curcumin

A third method of increasing bioavailability is to create liposomal conjugated curcumin. Liposomes are tiny spherical structures made up of lipid bilayers that can carry therapeutic agents like drugs or natural compounds. Like micellar curcumin, liposomal curcumin has an outer membrane that bonds with water, which allows the fat-loving curcumin inside to enter human cells more readily.

Downsides & Risks of Turmeric

The way curcumin is vying for that nutritional gold medal, you might think that the more of it you get, the better. But there are several reasons to be cautious about overconsumption of the Golden Spice.

Human studies on the effects of turmeric as a food have looked at doses ranging from less than 1/16th of a teaspoon a day up to about 2 tablespoons a day. And participants have taken these amounts sometimes for more than a month.

And while traditional Indian diets may include as much as a teaspoon of turmeric per day (or about an inch of fresh turmeric root), supplemental forms of curcumin with enhanced bioavailability could deliver the equivalent to cups of turmeric — definitely not a dose that you could achieve by eating real food.

According to the European Food Safety Authority and the World Health Organization, the acceptable daily intake value of curcumin is 0–3 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. So someone weighing 150 pounds (68 kilograms) is advised to limit their consumption to 204 milligrams of curcumin per day, or approximately 1 tablespoon. Although curcumin has been found to be safe at doses of 8 grams per day in both phase I and phase II clinical trials, there is some concern that very high doses, perhaps especially when combined with enhanced bioavailability, could lead to some side effects.

Turmeric Side Effects

Back pain, kidney inflammation, man suffering from backache at home

Too much turmeric might possibly be able to cause DNA damage — at least, that’s what researchers have found in test-tube studies. So people who are pregnant, in particular, may want to moderate their turmeric consumption. High-dose curcumin also appears to thin the endometrial lining, which can interfere with in vitro fertilization.

Turmeric helps the gallbladder pump more vigorously, which is one way it can protect the liver and even prevent gallstones. But if there’s already an obstruction in the bile duct, those additional gallbladder contractions can cause a lot of pain.

Moderating turmeric consumption may also be a good idea for people with a predisposition to forming kidney stones. That’s because turmeric is high in oxalates, which can bind to calcium to form calcium oxalate, the key ingredient in about 75% of all kidney stones. (Some curcumin products, however, contain little to no oxalate.)

And in some people, high doses of turmeric may also cause gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, and nausea.

Turmeric can also act as a blood thinner, which means it may interact with several classes of medications, including blood thinners, aspirin, and diabetes drugs.

Lead in Turmeric

There’s one more issue with turmeric that isn’t about the plant itself, but its preparation.

Turmeric powder from Bangladesh and India sometimes contains lead chromate, which enhances the spice’s appearance by making it a brighter shade of yellow. Which is to say, some turmeric powder is contaminated with lead.

There’s no safe level of lead; it can seriously damage reproductive, neurological, and cardiovascular systems — especially in children. If you want to protect yourself and your family from possible lead contamination, the best option is to buy fresh turmeric root or to buy organic turmeric and curcumin products.

To be extra safe, you can contact manufacturers to ask if they test for lead and other metals. California’s Proposition 65 seeks to protect, or at least inform, consumers by providing warnings about lead in foods like ground turmeric.

Use Turmeric in Good Health — Thoughtfully

Vegan curry with cauliflower, chickpeas and butternut squash topped with peanuts, served with rice and cilantro

Turmeric, the Golden Spice, has long been venerated in India and other Asian countries for its vibrant hue, culinary appeal, and medicinal qualities. Rich in curcuminoids, turmeric boasts antioxidants and disease-fighting polyphenols, making it a superfood of immense value. And modern scientific studies are confirming and highlighting its anti-inflammatory properties, brain-boosting effects, and potential for managing conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Despite all those beneficial properties, turmeric comes with some concerns. While supplements promise convenience, their proper usage and dosage require consideration. And potential lead contamination concerns may lead some people to make sure their turmeric is grown organically or comes in a tested supplement, rather than dried and powdered. As with many medicinal spices, moderation and informed sourcing is key.

Editor’s note: Purality Health has developed a unique micelle liposomal product they call Curcumin Gold. The liposomes are a healthy lipid (fat) bilayer that surrounds the curcumin and protects it from stomach acids, bile, and digestive juices that could destroy it. Once it reaches the intestinal wall, the micelles release, and they are absorbed into the bloodstream and thus the cells. Curcumin Gold also contains ginger oil and vegan DHA fatty acids from algae for added anti-inflammatory effects. The product is 100% vegan, organic, soy-free, and non-GMO.We asked Purality Health about their products and lead, and they told us they run ICP MS (the highest standard for heavy metal testing) on every batch of Curcumin Gold. They test internally and also hire a third party for independent verification, and the test results find no lead in any of their products.If you use our link, you’ll get a discount, and they’ll contribute a portion of the proceeds to the work of Food Revolution Network. Click here to find out more.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Do you cook with turmeric? What are your favorite ways to use it?
  • Have you ever seen fresh turmeric root at a market or grocery store?
  • Do you take curcumin supplements?

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The post The Golden Spice: Understanding the Health Benefits and Risks of Turmeric appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Neuropathy and Diet: How Nutrition Impacts Nerve Damage Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 In people suffering from neuropathy, diet could be playing a major role in their discomfort. But which foods can help, and which might be making things worse? And is there any evidence that supplementation can provide relief or healing? In this article, we’ll explore the science behind the relationship between damaged nerves and diet.

The post Neuropathy and Diet: How Nutrition Impacts Nerve Damage appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

In 1993, the magazine Computerworld published a short article titled “Doomsday 2000.” The authors predicted that because of a universally adopted coding shortcut that abbreviated any four-digit year to two digits (i.e., 1993 was rendered “93”), the world’s computer infrastructure would collapse once the new millennium rolled in.

The collapse didn’t happen, thanks to, depending on what you believe, the hundreds of millions of dollars spent upgrading code in the late 90s (whoops, 1990s) or because there was never any real risk of calamity.

But the hype — some would say hysteria — that gripped many as January 1, 2000, was approaching forced the world to consider what would happen if our information networks shut down. Now, imagine if those information networks were inside your body instead.

Your nervous system is kind of like a miniature version of the internet. Your bodily tissue (or fascia) contains approximately 250 million nerve endings, all of which are continuously gathering and sharing electrical impulses back and forth between your brain and the rest of your body. When everything works well, you can just go about your day without giving your nerves a second thought.

But when even a few of those quarter billion nerve endings are damaged or otherwise dysfunctional, you may experience a cascade of calamities throughout your body. Damaged nerves can’t deliver electrical signals optimally, or in some cases at all. This dysfunction can cause pain and a number of other symptoms, including the sensation of pins and needles, muscle problems, and even loss of normal bodily functions like digestion and breathing.

The word for this kind of nerve damage is neuropathy.

Many neurologists recommend surgery or medications as first-line treatments for neuropathy, and in fact, many advanced cases can benefit from this approach. But there’s evidence that some neuropathies, especially in their early stages, could benefit more from what’s in your pantry than what’s in your medicine cabinet.

In this article, we’ll look at neuropathy nutrition and the relationship between what we eat and nerve health.

What Is Neuropathy?

neuropathy - medical check of list and pencil

Neuropathy is the medical term for damage to nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. This damage can cause pain, numbness, weakness, and other uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous symptoms. It’s also called peripheral neuropathy, as it disproportionately affects nerve endings that are located closer to the body’s extremities than the core.

Neuropathy can mess up nerve signals in three ways. It can lead to complete loss of signaling, inappropriate signaling, or distortion of the messages that are sent.

If only one nerve is affected, that’s called mononeuropathy. A common mononeuropathy is carpal tunnel syndrome, which is often caused by repetitive use damage to the median nerve of the arm. Polyneuropathy, which involves multiple nerves (and not talking parrots), is the more common condition.

Types of Neuropathy

There are also subcategories of neuropathy, named for the nerve function they affect.

Motor Neuropathy

Motor neuropathy interferes with the movement of the muscles typically under conscious control, such as those used for walking, grasping things, or talking. Examples include muscle weakness or shrinking, or uncontrollable muscle twitching (which is also called fasciculation).

Sensory Neuropathy

Sensory neuropathy interferes with the transmission of sensory data from the extremities to the brain, such as temperature, the pain from a paper cut (ouch!), the feeling of a light touch, or information about the location of limbs in relation to one another. This can lead to loss of reflexes, coordination, or balance; burns or infections because there’s no impulse to pull away from a hot stove or clean a wound; and feeling pain from stimuli that aren’t actually harmful, such as the weight of a blanket on the feet.

Autonomic Neuropathy

Autonomic neuropathy impairs the brain’s ability to regulate activities that people do not control consciously, such as breathing, digesting food, and heart and gland functions. People who suffer from this type of neuropathy can experience heat intolerance and excessive sweating, light-headedness from low blood pressure, and vision problems, among other things.

Proximal Neuropathy

Proximal neuropathy is a type of nerve damage centered in the hip, buttock, or thigh. It usually causes pain in just one side of the body.

Focal Nerve Neuropathy

Focal nerve neuropathy affects a single nerve and may cause symptoms such as double vision, weakness on one side of the body, or partial paralysis, and associated pain. This type most often targets nerve endings in the legs, hands, head, or torso.

What Causes Neuropathy?

There are more than 100 different conditions, both inherited and developed, that can lead to neuropathy. But a few of them cause the vast majority of cases.

Neuropathy and Diabetes

Fresh salad, glucose meter with result of sugar level, tape measure and dumbbells for fitness, concept of diabetes, slimming, healthy lifestyles and nutrition

Diabetes, both types 1  and 2, commonly causes neuropathy. That’s because high glucose levels can damage the small blood vessels that supply your nerves. As those nerves cannot access the nutrients they need, their fibers suffer damage and they may eventually die. At this writing, there’s no known way to reverse the damage once the nerves have atrophied. But there are many ways to prevent and reverse prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. (I hosted a whole masterclass on the topic with diabetes expert Brenda Davis, RD — to watch it for free click here.)

Neuropathy and Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases cause harm by attacking the body’s own cells and tissues as if they belonged to a foreign invader. Two autoimmune conditions that target the nerves include Guillain-Barré syndrome and celiac disease.

Guillain-Barré syndrome typically presents after a gastrointestinal or respiratory infection, or following a vaccination. For some reason, the immune system responds to these challenges by starting to destroy the myelin sheath that surrounds the axons of many nerve cells. It can then progress to damaging the axons themselves.

Most people recover fully, a process that can last from a few weeks to a few years. But in some cases, the neuropathy progresses to paralysis that can threaten the ability to breathe.

The most common form of neuropathy that accompanies celiac disease involves both motor and sensory nerves. Other autoimmune diseases, including autoimmune thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Sjögren’s syndrome, are linked to both neuropathy and celiac disease. Because the nerve damage appears to be triggered by exposure to gluten, symptoms may improve or even resolve on a gluten-free diet.

Neuropathy and Alcoholism

Alcoholism or Alcoholic concept : Close up young Asian guy feeling depressed drinking alcohol alone in pub or bar because life problem or stress.

Neuropathy is among the most common negative side effects of chronic alcohol overconsumption. It typically shows up as pain, pins and needles, and lack of muscle control in the lower extremities. Alcohol, it turns out, directly poisons nerves. And the poor nutrition that often accompanies alcoholism is a separate risk factor for neuropathy. Patients who abuse alcohol also tend to consume fewer other calories, and their gastrointestinal tracts struggle to absorb the nutrients they do encounter.

Because alcoholism is a chronic condition, the neuropathy it causes may become permanent. But in cases that are caught early enough, stopping alcohol consumption may help improve neuropathy.

Other Causes of Neuropathy

Toxins other than alcohol can also cause neuropathy, among them mercury, certain types of toxic mold, and chemotherapy drugs. Injury and trauma can also induce neuropathy if it involves compression or crushing of a nerve, as can happen in automobile accidents, falls, sports, and even some medical procedures.

What Vitamins and Minerals Help with Neuropathy?

Hispanic woman examining a vitamin supplement in a pharmacy

We know that certain vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy nerve function. And a lot of studies have looked at specific nutrients focused on supplemental forms and doses, but very few have looked at the impact of dietary nutrients on neuropathy. So it makes sense that one of the best ways to reduce your odds of developing neuropathy is to eat a diet rich in the nutrients known to nourish your nerves. But unfortunately, the evidence for this statement is a bit indirect and circumstantial. Therefore, let’s look at the specific nutrients that have been studied, remembering that all of these nutrients are available in foods as well as in supplements.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps your body produce a substance called myelin that shields some nerves and helps them transmit information and sensations faster and more efficiently. You can think of them as the insulation on electrical cables and wires. Getting enough B12 is essential for your health, and specifically for the prevention of neuropathy, which is the most common symptom of B12 deficiency.

Supplementing with B12 (especially in plant-based eaters who have a harder time getting this nutrient from food) can improve peripheral neuropathy, including the forms that are primarily caused by diabetes.

For more on B12, including how to ensure that you’re getting enough along with the best plant-based sources, check out our comprehensive article: Vitamin B12: Why it’s Important and How to Avoid B12 Deficiency.

Vitamin B1

Top view of wholegrain and cereal composition shot on rustic wooden table. This type of food is rich of fiber and is ideal for dieting. The composition includes wholegrain sliced bread, various kinds of wholegrain pasta, wholegrain crackers, grissini, oat flakes, brown rice, spelt and flax seeds. Predominant color is brown. High resolution 42Mp studio digital capture taken with SONY A7rII and Zeiss Batis 40mm F2.0 CF lens

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is also a critical nutrient for your nerves. Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by a B1 deficiency, something that’s seen as part of the cluster of symptoms associated with beriberi. That’s because B1 plays a key role as a coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism, which is the main energy supply for nerve fibers. It also protects nerves from oxidative damage.

Supplementing (with food-based thiamine or with a synthetic analogue, benfotiamine) or eating foods rich in B1 can help prevent or treat deficiency and neuropathy. In severe cases, patients may need intravenous thiamine to relieve symptoms.

Vitamin B3

Another neurological superhero from the B-Vitamin Cinematic Universe is vitamin B3, aka niacin. B3 plays a key role in the development and survival of nerve cells. Studies of rats have shown that supplementation with this family of vitamins can protect against nerve pain and injury, preserve muscle function and vision, and lessen pain and discomfort. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

For people who are dealing with ongoing neuropathy, B3 supplementation appears to help only when done in combination with other B vitamins. When neuropathy is associated with cardiovascular disease, there’s research indicating that B3 may work better in conjunction with statins.

For more on the B vitamin family, check out our article: What B Vitamins Do You Need — And What Are The Best Vegan Sources of B Vitamins?

Vitamin E

Close-up of raw vitamin E rich food in bowls on black table. Fresh green spinach, edamame, wakame and lentil seeds in bowls on a table.

Your central and peripheral nervous systems are both big fans (and avid users) of vitamin E. Deficiency of this nutrient negatively affects both systems and can lead to peripheral neuropathy. That’s because not having enough vitamin E can cause changes in peripheral nerves and hasten the loss of a type of neuron known as a DRG cell. DRG — dorsal root ganglia — cells are of particular importance because they are afferent neurons, conveying information inward from the body to the brain and spinal cord.

A 2014 study found that vitamin E supplementation reduced neuropathic pain in patients with diabetes. And a 2021 study of people with peripheral neuropathy caused by chemotherapy also found that vitamin E supplementation was an effective treatment.

For more on vitamin E, including its health benefits and some possible risks of supplementation (spoiler alert: it’s probably better to get it from food than from pills!), read our article on Vitamin E Benefits: Why it Matters & the Best Places to Find It.


Magnesium is important for the nerves to transmit messages optimally, as well as for neuromuscular coordination. Magnesium plays a bunch of roles in the nervous system, including keeping overexcited nerve cells from self-destructing. In blocking a nerve receptor called N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), magnesium both calms the nervous system and prevents pain hypersensitivity.

Patients with diabetic neuropathy also tend to have lower levels of magnesium in their blood. And a 2015 study of rats showed improved neurological function recovery and enhanced nerve regeneration with a high-magnesium diet.

Find out more about magnesium in our article: All About Magnesium: Health Benefits, Risks, & Magnesium-Rich Foods You Should Know About.


Close-up of omega 3 vegan food ingredients on the table. Fresh green spinach in a bowl with flax seeds, walnuts, brussel sprouts, and lentil seeds in bowls.

Omega-3s are another nutrient group that’s essential for the development and maintenance of healthy nerves. They can help prevent the death of nerve cells and improve their function by chilling out pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways.

A 2017 study that gave supplements of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA to mice showed that the supplementation sped up their nerve regeneration and, based on observations of a reduction of pain behaviors, reduced their pain as well.

A 2021 study of humans with diabetic neuropathy also found that the lower the plasma DHA levels, the more prevalent multiple neuropathies were. Giving the subjects omega-3 therapy led to greater nerve regeneration.

Find out more about omega-3s in our comprehensive article: Omega-3s: Why Are They Important — And What Are the Best Sources for Your Health?

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that your body manufactures in the mitochondria (or energy center) of your cells. It works to eliminate reactive oxygen species (ROS), and helps with neuropathy by improving circulation and enhancing the dilation of blood vessels. It also helps suppress a cytokine called prostaglandin E2, which is a key compound involved in inflammation. By affecting several different pathways of oxidative stress, alpha-lipoic acid may reduce sensory neuropathy pain.

Foods That May Help with Neuropathy

Top Foods for Neuropathy infographic


What to Avoid with Neuropathy

Worst Foods for Neuropathy infographic


Recipes That May Help with Neuropathy

Increasing consumption of healing plant-based foods could be a wonderful and gentle support to anyone who is suffering from (or wants to avoid) nerve pain. With these tasty plant-based recipes, incorporating foods that contain supportive nutrients necessary for your nervous system can be enjoyable, simple, and nourishing for your nerves and your entire body.

1. Matcha Muffins

Whether enjoyed with your morning tea or as an afternoon pick-me-up, our Matcha Muffins are a testament to the idea that wholesome ingredients can be both delicious and supportive of your well-being. Made with oats, which contain a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucans, these muffins may aid in reducing inflammation and supporting overall nerve health. Their subtle sweetness and earthy undertones create a harmonious flavor blend that will satisfy your sweet cravings without the refined sugar.

2. Kale Caesar with Tofu Croutons

Kale Caesar with Tofu Croutons has many vital nutrients that can positively influence the health of your nerves. Kale contains sulforaphane, which may go a long way in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, providing relief to those experiencing nerve damage and discomfort. The creamy Caesar dressing, nutty walnut parmesan, and crunchy tofu croutons are also brimming with nutrients such as B12, omega-3s, and magnesium — all essential for proper nerve functioning. This wholesome salad is a great go-to meal when you are looking for something consistent to enjoy in your journey toward improved nerve health.

3. Saffron Cauliflower and Chickpeas

Saffron may not be the first thing you think of when you consider natural remedies to help with pain relief, but it has actually been shown to have therapeutic effects for those living with neuropathy thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. When combined with sulforaphane-rich cauliflower, this wholesome side dish will not only be a savory delight for you to enjoy but a nourishing experience for your nervous system as well.

Consider Your Diet When Dealing with Neuropathy

Healthy nerves require good nutrition. And without some specific nutrients, neuropathy can develop or become worse. For people with diabetes, it’s particularly important to eat a diet rich in nutrients, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, all of which contain compounds that act like superheroes for our nerves.

On the other hand, some foods, especially those high in sugar and saturated fats, act a bit like neuropathy villains, worsening the problem and causing additional suffering. Once you understand the connection between what’s on your plate and how your nerves feel and function, you can make choices to support your health and quality of life.

Editor’s note: Some friends of ours created Complement Essential to deliver a carefully chosen amount of important nutrients that even a healthy plant-based diet may be lacking — including DHA, EPA, B12, and magnesium, which are some of the nutrients that are profiled in this article. If you’re interested, find out more about Complement Essential here. Note: If you make a purchase, Complement will make a contribution in support of FRN’s mission. So you can support your health and healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all at the same time!

Tell us in the comments:

  • Have you or anyone you love ever experienced neuropathy?
  • What are your favorite foods for neuropathy?
  • Which neuropathy-busting recipe will you try next?

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The post Neuropathy and Diet: How Nutrition Impacts Nerve Damage appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

The Alkaline Diet: Separating Fact from Fiction Wed, 06 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 The alkaline diet has been around for a while. And it presents a compelling theory about your body and health: that the food you eat determines the pH of your blood, and that a low pH causes all sorts of health problems. The good news is the alkaline diet promotes the consumption of many of the healthiest foods. The bad news is that it does so for some questionable reasons. So what’s useful about the alkaline diet, and where does it diverge from research-backed evidence?

The post The Alkaline Diet: Separating Fact from Fiction appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

What if choosing the right foods to eat was as simple as eating those that create a nonacidic or alkaline environment over those that create an acidic environment? Wouldn’t that make life simple? While you may not have thought of acids and alkalines since high school chemistry, this dichotomy is the basis of the alkaline diet.

The principles of eating so-called alkaline-producing foods were first made clear by French biologist Claude Bernard, a giant of science who made many important discoveries, including that the liver stores and releases glycogen and the pancreas releases digestive juices.

It was Bernard’s word on what was later called “homeostasis” that led to the evolution of the alkaline diet. Bernard believed that among the factors that promoted or disturbed a healthy internal environment was the pH of the body and blood. He theorized that an acidic environment, in particular, is a breeding ground for chronic disease — and that what you eat can impact your bodily pH.

Variations of this acid-alkaline dietary pattern have existed since the beginning of the 20th century. But its popularity skyrocketed again in the last few decades via early health influencers like Robert Young, author of The pH Miracle, and the Honduran herbalist Dr. Sebi (who inspired many people to adopt a vegan alkaline diet).

But is there any truth to these theories that the pH of food impacts blood pH, and, therefore, susceptibility to disease? And is the alkaline diet inherently a healthy dietary pattern?

In this article, we’ll take a look at the alkaline diet, comparing its claims to the available scientific evidence.

Understanding pH

acidic food

In order to understand the alkaline diet and its claims, we need to at least have a basic understanding of pH. Potential of hydrogen or pH is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid. The pH scale goes from 0.0 (highly acidic) to 14.0 (highly alkaline or “basic”) with a neutral point of 7.0.

Our stomachs are very acidic environments with a normal pH of 1.5–3.5. We secrete hydrochloric acid to help us digest our food, activate enzymes, and break down proteins into amino acids. Maintaining those stomach acids also helps protect us from pathogens in the digestive system.

On the other hand, blood is slightly basic or alkaline, with a pH of 7.35–7.45. The body’s acid-base balance is mainly controlled by the respiratory system and the renal system (kidneys). Maintaining this equilibrium is important for the functioning of basic bodily systems, and any disturbance in this pH can be a serious (and even life-threatening) problem.

So What Does the Alkaline Diet Claim?

The central claim of the alkaline diet is that what you eat can alter the pH level of your blood and cells. And that a more alkaline body pH (achieved from the food you eat) can prevent many diseases, including cancer and osteoporosis, while also providing increased energy and well-being.

When it comes to cancer, the theory is that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment, so ingesting more alkalizing foods will create a more alkaline and anticancer environment. In this view, eating too many acid-forming foods can put your body into a state of acidosis and result in a decrease in blood pH, with serious metabolic and respiratory consequences in the body.

The bone health theory goes like this: Your body works diligently to keep your blood pH at a healthy level in your arteries and slightly lower in your veins. If you acidify your blood (by eating acid-forming foods, among other things), your body will do whatever it can to achieve equilibrium, including pulling calcium, an alkalizing mineral, from your bones.

To sum it up, the standard Western diet, according to this theory, degrades health and increases the risk of chronic diseases because it promotes an acidic body environment. And an alkaline diet alkalizes the body and blood, staving off chronic disease.

The Alkaline Diet: Foods to Eat vs Avoid

woman preparing a nutritional meal, stock photo, copy space and Yangg Studios

So what foods are supposed to contribute to this alkalizing effect in the body, and which foods don’t?

Most alkaline diet protocols encourage you to eat more alkaline foods that, when metabolized, also leave an alkaline “residue” in your body. Eating this way doesn’t necessarily mean removing all acidic foods from your diet, but instead prioritizing alkaline foods (75–80% of your diet) over acidic ones (20–25% of your diet).

Alkaline foods include many, but not all, vegetables, as well as some fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices, and cold-pressed oils. Neutral and low-acidic foods are also okay in moderation, the majority of which are fruit. Most of the high-alkaline foods are green in color, with leafy greens, green vegetables, and sprouts topping the list.

On the other hand, the foods to avoid on an alkaline diet are those believed to produce an acidic effect. Meat and poultry, dairy, eggs, bread, sweets, and condiments; processed, canned, and fast foods; and beverages like coffee, alcohol, and tea are all off-limits on an alkaline diet.

What the Alkaline Diet Gets Right

Ultimately, there’s a lot of focus on the consumption of whole, plant-based foods and the elimination of most animal products and processed foods on the alkaline diet. So whether or not the underlying theory of the alkaline diet is accurate, there’s no question that eating the preferred foods — whole plants — confers many nutritional benefits.

Conventional Western-style diets are notoriously low in fiber, which is one of the most severely lacking nutrients in industrialized societies. But because the alkaline diet prioritizes whole, plant-based foods, it can make it much more likely you’ll achieve the 25–35 grams of recommended fiber per day.

Eating more fruits and vegetables also means that you’ll be ingesting lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. And choosing whole foods over processed or fast foods improves your sodium-to-potassium ratio, which can benefit bone health, reduce muscle wasting, and mitigate other chronic diseases such as hypertension and strokes.

The diet may also be helpful for people with chronic kidney disease because it tends to be relatively low in protein. One systematic review showed evidence that the inclusion of alkaline-producing fruits and vegetables or a vegetarian diet low in acid-producing protein (animal products) can slow kidney disease by reducing metabolic acidosis.

In effect, the alkaline diet can be a perfectly healthy eating pattern for many people because it’s predominantly a plant-based one.

What the Alkaline Diet Gets Wrong

Food Affecting Blood pH

Practitioner measuring pH test strips of urine sample.

The big problem with the claims made by alkaline diet proponents is that they’re based on a misunderstanding of pH and how the body regulates blood pH. The relative alkalinity of the foods you eat doesn’t generally affect the alkalinity or acidity of your blood.

Acids are continuously being produced in the body during normal metabolic processes, but they don’t influence overall bodily pH in healthy individuals. Your body works hard to keep that 7.35–7.45 blood pH range, which is slightly on the alkaline side. If there’s too much acid or base in your system, built-in physiological buffers get rid of it through your urine.

Changing your diet might change the pH of your saliva or urine, but it’s practically impossible to affect the pH of your blood by what you eat. The only times that blood pH is affected is in the case of an acid-base disorder such as advanced stages of shock, diabetic ketoacidosis, or kidney failure — all of which are medical emergencies and not the result of not eating enough alkaline foods.

Focusing on the Wrong Benefits

Not only does the alkaline diet theory misunderstand the mechanisms through which your body regulates its pH, but the narrow focus on this one attribute of plant-based foods ignores the many benefits of plant-based eating that are actually backed up by science. A whole food, plant-based diet supplies an abundance of powerful antioxidants, fiber, and a rainbow of health-promoting phytochemicals. In short, the alkaline diet’s health benefits are real, but they likely have little to do with pH.

Confusing and Restrictive

With a focus mostly on pH and choosing the most alkaline foods, there’s a risk of dietary restriction to the point of nutrient deficiency. It’s easy to get confused about what you are and aren’t supposed to eat, as there’s a lack of consistency in the recommendations, which vary widely. Some lists, for example, say that mushrooms are highly acidic, while others tell us that they are alkalizing.

Little to No Scientific Backing

Nurse preparing patient to do a blood analysis

And most problematic of all, there’s minimal scientific evidence to support the alkaline diet’s biggest claims around diet alkalinity protecting against chronic disease or affecting blood pH.

One 2010 study found that low urine pH predicted neither low bone density nor bone fractures, while another from the same year discovered no correlation between dietary acid load and bone mineral density in older women. A 2011 study found no correlation between dietary acid load and lower bone density, except possibly in older men.

And a 2016 review of over 8,000 published articles relating to dietary pH and cancer found a single clinical trial on the topic. This trial found no relationship between the acid load of the diet and bladder cancer. The researchers concluded, “Despite the promotion of the alkaline diet and alkaline water by the media and salespeople, there is almost no actual research to either support or disprove these ideas.”

The Bottom Line

The alkaline diet, which focuses on pH balance, is a popular diet with many adherents and proponents. It is inherently whole food, plant-based, which can be great, and it’s been shown to be helpful for chronic kidney disease. But beyond that, there’s little to no scientific evidence to support its other health claims. In fact, it’s likely that its benefits have more to do with all of the known advantages that come with a whole food, plant-based diet that steers clear of added sugars, highly processed foods, and animal products.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Were you already familiar with the alkaline diet? Have you ever tried it?
  • What do you think of the alkaline diet approach?
  • What other dietary patterns do you have questions about?

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The post The Alkaline Diet: Separating Fact from Fiction appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Walnuts: Understanding Their Benefits, Nutrition, and Sustainability Fri, 01 Dec 2023 18:00:00 +0000 They look like little brains, but is it smart to eat them? Walnuts are high in fat, it’s true, but they also contain many beneficial nutrients that may help protect your heart, digestive system, and, yes, your brain. So are walnuts good for you? And what about their environmental impact? Do they use too much water to be sustainable?

The post Walnuts: Understanding Their Benefits, Nutrition, and Sustainability appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

In Persia, walnuts had an association with royalty. Likewise, ancient Greeks and Romans considered them food for the gods. When Mount Vesuvius erupted and turned the city of Pompeii into a historical still life in 79 CE, it preserved whole, unshelled walnuts as part of a meal in the temple of Isis. And in China, walnuts are prized both as status symbols and toys, with their size and color determining their value. So why were walnuts so revered throughout history?

The doctrine of signatures says that plants that resemble a condition or body part can in some way treat or alleviate related illnesses. Following that thinking, walnuts, which look like brains, were thought to ease headaches and mental health issues. Similarly, the scarlet roots of bloodroot were thought to treat diseases of the circulatory system. And since ginseng root looks like a human being, it was thought to aid and strengthen all parts of the human body. Indeed, the very word “ginseng” comes from the Chinese word for “man-root.”

But the doctrine of signatures is controversial and based on theory over scientific fact. So is it true that walnuts are actually good for brain health? What other walnut health benefits are there? And are walnuts good for the environment?

What Are Walnuts?

walnut emerging from pod

If you’re a word lover, you might enjoy adding “juglandaceous” to your vocabulary, in case you were missing a word for “of or pertaining to walnuts.” Walnuts are proud members of the Juglans genus, along with about 20 other tree species, including hickories and pecans.

Technically, walnuts can be classified as nuts or dry drupes, which is science’s alliterative way of talking about fruits with a single seed and a dry husk. Walnuts grow in groups of two or three and range between 1.5 and 2 inches in circumference.

The nut of the walnut forms inside a soft green outer husk and a hard shell. Crack that shell open carefully enough, and you’ll behold a whole walnut that resembles a human brain — including wrinkles, folds, and ridges.

Types of Walnuts

There are two main types of walnuts that you’re likely to encounter in your culinary adventures: English walnuts (also known as Persian), and black walnuts.

English or Persian Walnuts

A bowl of walnuts is sitting on a rough wooden table. There are loose walnuts beside the bowl. One nut is cracked open, surrounded by the parts of its shell. The bowl is blue and white striped and casts a strong shadow onto the textured surface beneath it.

English walnuts are the kind most walnut-eaters are familiar with, as they’re the type you’re likely to see in grocery stores. They have a sweet, mild flavor, and feature prominently in desserts, salads, and many savory dishes.

Although Persian walnuts originated in what is now Iran, they’re often referred to as English walnuts because they were brought to England by the Romans and traded throughout Europe. Since then, their popularity has led to them being grown commercially worldwide.

In the US, English walnut trees grow best in USDA Zones 4–8 (a classification system that tells farmers and gardeners which plants are hardy enough to thrive in various locations). More than 99% of US commercially grown English walnuts come from California, which supplies about half of the world’s walnut trade. Romania has become the main producer and exporter of walnuts in Europe.

Black Walnuts

Juglans nigra, the eastern black walnut, a species of flowering tree in the walnut family, Juglandaceae

Black walnuts are native to North America, and almost all of them come from trees growing in the wild rather than in commercial orchards. Since black walnut trees don’t grow in neat, evenly-spaced rows, they’re harvested by hand rather than by machine. The largest black walnut processor is Hammons Black Walnuts in Missouri.

Black walnuts are bolder and sweeter than English walnuts, with a distinctive earthy or musky flavor.

These nuts were and are an important part of Indigenous diets in the regions where they grow. It takes a lot of effort to harvest and remove their tough green husks and then crack open their extremely hard, black-ridged shells. There are even specialty nutcrackers made just for black walnuts.

In addition to eating black walnuts, you can use them for their oil, and for making deep black or brown dyes.

Walnut Nutrition

Like other tree nuts, walnuts have been an important source of plant-based fat and protein throughout much of recorded human history. They contain polyunsaturated fat in the form of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, including roughly 2.5 grams per ounce of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Omega-3s can also reduce the risk of heart disease and contribute to brain and immune health, as well as bringing anti-inflammatory benefits to the body.

Walnuts are high in B vitamins and are a rich source of minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and copper. Of all the tree nuts, walnuts are antioxidant champs, with higher concentrations than any other commonly consumed tree nut. As a whole plant food, they’re also a solid source of fiber.

Black walnuts may pack an even more potent nutritional punch. They’re higher in zinc and selenium than English walnuts and contain more antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The Health Benefits of Walnuts

Measuring the amounts of nutrients found in walnuts is all well and good, but what’s the effect of all that nutritional goodness on human health? There’s some powerful evidence showing that eating walnuts can benefit your heart, digestive system, and, yes, your brain. They may also be able to fight cancer and decrease chronic inflammation.

Walnuts and Heart Health

Walnut kernels close up. Half of a walnut in the shape of a heart. Orakova

A 2013 clinical trial found that people who added walnuts to their diet improved the health of their blood vessels. The addition also improved their cholesterol efflux, a process by which the body removes excess cholesterol from blood vessels. Both of these outcomes are beneficial for heart health.

A large study published in 2018 looked at health and dietary outcomes for over 200,000 participants, none of whom had heart disease at the start of the study. After following them for 25 years, about 14,000 of the participants experienced coronary events (heart attacks and strokes). But those who ate at least one serving of walnuts per week had a 13–26% lower risk of heart disease.

Since walnuts are high in calories, some people worry that they might contribute to weight gain and thus increase the risk of heart disease. A 2018 meta-analysis addressed that very concern.

Researchers looked at 26 studies that included over 1,000 participants, to see the effect that walnuts had on lipid levels, weight, and other heart disease risk factors. Their analysis showed that, on average, walnuts actually lowered total and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and didn’t impact weight one way or the other.

Walnuts and Digestion

Walnuts can help to improve your gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria.

A 2018 study found that when healthy people started eating just 43 grams of walnuts a day, after eight weeks, their gut microbiomes became healthier and more diverse.

Another 2018 study found that eating walnuts increased concentrations of beneficial bacteria that produce a substance called butyrate, which is good for intestinal health. Additionally, walnuts can reduce the number of harmful substances produced by certain bacteria that can cause inflammation and increase “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Walnuts and Brain Health

Now we get to the brain. Are walnuts good for cognitive health?

A 2014 review article concluded that walnuts should be included in prevention strategies against the epidemic of cognitive decline and dementia. The phytochemical substances present in walnuts not only decrease oxidative stress and inflammation in brain cells but also boost communication between neurons, stimulate the formation of new neurons, and assist in the removal of harmful proteins associated with the development of dementia.

While human studies have repeatedly shown that diets that include walnuts are associated with improved cognitive performance and better memory, a 2020 mouse study explored the possible mechanisms for this. The study found that walnuts’ antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties suppressed the production of free radicals and enhanced antioxidant protection, consequently lowering the risk of brain degeneration. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

A 2022 article also reviewed some of the ways walnuts are known to combat neuroinflammation, a major contributor both to aging in general and to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s in particular. It quickly got technical on me, with phrases such as “inhibition of peripheral inflammation mediated by macrophages.” But the bottom line is that walnuts appear to reduce neuroinflammation through a number of synergistic biochemical mechanisms.

Walnuts and Cancer

A 2019 clinical trial studied the impact of walnut consumption on breast cancer growth and survival. Women with confirmed breast cancer cases were divided into two groups, one whose members began eating two ounces of walnuts daily after their initial biopsy, and a control group that did not change their diet.

After about two weeks, further samples were taken from the tumors. In the walnut-consuming group, the expression of 456 specific genes in the tumor was significantly altered to encourage cancer cell death and suppress cell growth and migration processes. This supports the idea that eating walnuts could potentially slow the growth of cancer cells and increase breast cancer survival rates.

A 2020 study found that black walnuts also demonstrate impressive anticancer activity, thanks to compounds such as penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucose and quercetin 3-β-d-glucoside. I tried to remember the names of these compounds by putting them to the tune of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” but I couldn’t get the syllables to match.

Walnuts and Inflammation

Selective focus. Male hands extract a walnut from the shell. Walnuts bowl. close-up of a hand with walnuts Cavoski

Black walnuts, in particular, show amazing anti-inflammatory powers. Two cultivars, named Surprise and Sparrow, demonstrated the ability to suppress inflammatory human white blood cells in a 2019 test-tube study.

But common English walnuts are no slouches in the anti-inflammatory department, either. In 2020, researchers published the results of a two-year trial in which one group of older adults consumed roughly 15% of their daily calories from walnuts, while others ate a similar but walnut-free diet. They found that the walnuts had a health-promoting effect on several inflammatory molecules implicated in cardiovascular disease.

Walnuts may battle inflammation through a compound known as ellagitannins, which can do some very cool anti-inflammatory things. It breaks down in your body to release another compound called ellagic acid. And your gut bacteria then transform this into substances called urolithins, which may have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Are Walnuts Sustainable?

Walnut tree with big nuts in green shell close up, harvesting time. Bevz

In general, nuts and other plant-based protein sources produce far fewer greenhouse gas emissions than animal-based food products. The main issue for walnuts is their need for water since half the English walnuts consumed in the world are grown in California — a state perennially vulnerable to drought.

Each pound of walnuts takes about 1,260 gallons of water, which is less than a pound of almonds or beef (which is kind of in a class by itself, requiring 2,400 gallons of water per pound), but still quite a bit — especially in a water-poor region.

However, walnut trees can also benefit the environment in some important ways. Walnut plantations studied in China increased soil carbon and promoted microbial growth and activities.

And black walnuts are potentially even more sustainable, at least on a small scale, since they are wild-grown and harvested by hand. They require no pesticides and don’t need fossil-fuel-driven machines for harvesting.

Walnut shells also have many industrial uses, some of which are being explored to replace less environmentally friendly alternatives. For example, the shells are being added to substances called geopolymers that can make highly effective insulation.

Walnut shells also have uses as gardening mulch and ground cover, animal bedding, ingredients in the manufacture of activated carbon, abrasive elements in cleaning products, and an energy source for bioethanol production.

Walnuts for the Win

Walnuts are an important tree nut and have been for thousands of years. And while they do use a lot of water, walnuts can also be good for the environment by pulling carbon into the soil. Their impressive nutritional profile makes them a standout for both culinary purposes and medicinal uses. Walnuts are a rich source of healthy fats and protein. And they’ve been found to have benefits for heart, brain, and digestive health, as well as in fighting cancer and inflammation.

For more on how to choose, store, and use walnuts in recipes, check out our article here.

Tell us in the comments:

  • How often do you eat walnuts?
  • What are your favorite ways to enjoy them?
  • What surprised you the most about the health benefits of walnuts?

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Quercetin: Health Benefits, Risks, and Sources Compared Wed, 22 Nov 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Your favorite fruits and vegetables get their color and much of their health-boosting power from compounds called polyphenols. One of the most abundant and best-studied of these compounds is quercetin. Known for its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, quercetin may help with heart, brain, and gut health. But where can you find quercetin in food? And are food sources enough, or should you be supplementing?

The post Quercetin: Health Benefits, Risks, and Sources Compared appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

The 18th and 19th centuries in England were, for the most part, fairly prudish times. If passionate young people wanted to express their feelings for one another, they couldn’t just make a playlist or respond to text messages with heart emojis. Instead, they resorted to floriography or the language of flowers. A rose wasn’t just a rose: A red rose signified passion; a pink one said, “Meh;” a white rose warned, “I’m going to stay pure, so watch it, buddy;” and a yellow rose promised undying friendship.

Plants communicate with us and the world using the language of color as well. While they don’t share romantic sentiments (as far as we know — although I’ve known some blackberry brambles that could get quite handsy), they do give us clues as to their healing powers.

The compounds in plants that enable them to send such signals are called polyphenols. There are over 8,000 of them (at least that we know of), and they belong to a few distinct families. The largest of these families, with over 6,000 compounds (and counting), is flavonoids.

(If you’re eager to read a big honking article all about flavonoids and why they’re so good for you, click here.)

One of the most commonly consumed flavonoids is called quercetin. It’s also one of the most studied. And it’s often touted as a nutrient that can play a big role in the prevention and treatment of heart disease. But what does science say about quercetin? How does it work in the body? Does it have other health benefits aside from cardiovascular? What foods are the best sources? And do you need to supplement to get enough?

Let’s explore the mysterious world of quercetin, and find out all the ways this powerhouse compound is trying to express its love.

What Is Quercetin?

Quercetin molecular skeletal chemical formula. Bunha

Quercetin is a proud member of the flavonoid family of polyphenols — a class of phytonutrients produced by plants to help them resist fungi, bacteria, and other infections, as well as deter consumption by insects and animals. Quercetin comes in several forms, and one of the most famous among them is rutin.

Rutin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and provides some protection against cancer and other diseases. It’s found in high concentrations in buckwheat, and in ginkgo, apples, and other fruits and vegetables.

Rutin, like almost all forms of quercetin, acts as an antioxidant in the body, helping protect you from disease, much like it protects plants from bugs and harmful bacteria. In your body, antioxidants help regulate oxidative stress pathways, preventing and repairing cellular and DNA damage.

Quercetin Health Benefits

Quercetin works on so many systems in the body that it’s no surprise it appears useful in preventing and treating a wide range of conditions. It’s usually easiest for researchers to study a compound when given as a supplement because food comes with a myriad of synergistic variables (such as antioxidants, fiber, calories, and other nutrients) that can impact results. So, most of the research on quercetin has involved supplemental forms. However, keep in mind that, as with most nutrients, food forms are probably best. Here are a few health benefits of quercetin that have been solidly backed up by scientific research (many involving supplementation, for the purposes of the studies).

Quercetin and Heart Health

Quercetin has shown impressive cardiovascular effects in animal and test-tube studies. It lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol levels, improves glucose control, prevents the buildup of plaque in arteries, and protects the heart from damage. Clinical trials in humans have found that quercetin can contribute to healthier cholesterol numbers.

A 2016 meta-analysis of seven small controlled clinical trials (with a total of under 600 participants) found a reduction of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure with quercetin supplementation of more than 500 milligrams per day.

One way quercetin can support your heart is by protecting one of the cardiovascular system’s “weakest links:” the endothelial lining of your blood vessels. The endothelium performs a host of essential functions, including helping control the width of your blood vessels and playing a role in blood clotting, inflammation, and immune responses. As it ages, it tends to wear out, and modern drugs and surgical techniques haven’t been able to extend its working life.

Quercetin, on the other hand, appears to protect the endothelium from damage, and in doing so, could help to prevent certain types of heart disease.

Quercetin for COVID-19

Woman with flu in bed, she use home medicine to handle sickness

Quercetin is known for its antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other beneficial effects in the fight against SARS, a coronavirus in the same family as COVID-19.  That’s why scientists have had high hopes for the flavonoid as a means of preventing and treating COVID-19.

Researchers in 2022 found that quercetin did indeed inhibit three parts of the coronavirus cycle of infection: entry, absorption, and penetration. They suggested that it might work synergistically with vitamins C, D, and E as well as other polyphenols as a first-line prevention and treatment protocol for the novel coronavirus.

This was put to the test in a study published in early 2023, in which 50 patients with COVID-19 were given either standard of care or standard of care plus 500 milligrams of quercetin per day. The quercetin group had fewer symptoms than the control group, recovered faster, and tested negative sooner as well.

Some researchers and clinicians are starting to include quercetin in “inventive” drug compositions designed to treat COVID-19, pairing it with vitamins, other phytonutrients, and mainstream pharmaceuticals like Paxlovid.

Quercetin and Cancer

Quercetin appears to disrupt the progression of some cancers, particularly those of the gastrointestinal system, by pushing cancerous cells to self-destruct (a process known as apoptosis). It can also arrest the cycle through which the cancer cells divide and proliferate, as well as inhibit angiogenesis, which is the creation of new blood vessels in a growing tumor.

And that’s just scratching the surface of the ways quercetin appears to mess with cancer. Recently, researchers have been exploring the use of quercetin as an ingredient in “chemoprevention” cocktails that aim to stop cancer before it turns into a clinically significant disease. Preliminary studies have shown that quercetin is lethal to ovarian cancer cells at doses well within the range considered to be safe for daily consumption.

Quercetin for Inflammation

Unrecognizable medical professional holding a hand of a patient with an alarming skin condition, looking at it and carefully accessing the situation

One of the most significant risk factors in the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes is obesity. But why? What’s the connection?

Some researchers point to the fact that obesity causes chronic inflammation, particularly in the liver, fat cells, skeletal muscles, and circulatory system. Quercetin’s anti-inflammatory power can lessen insulin resistance (a key driver of type 2 diabetes) and combat atherosclerosis (a big component of heart disease). Also, quercetin helps gut microbiota stay healthy even when dealing with obesity-related inflammation.

A 2020 study found that treating skin cells with quercetin protected them against damage from the inflammation that accompanies skin conditions like atopic dermatitis. Quercetin increased levels of protective compounds (occludin and E-cadherin, if you’re into the details here) and reduced levels of harmful ones (matrix metalloproteinases, to be precise). What’s more, wounds treated with quercetin healed faster, due partly to an increased production of skin proteins and inhibition of the release of enzymes that can degrade skin tissue.

Quercetin’s anti-inflammatory properties suggest that it may also be a powerful booster of the immune system. But as careful scientists love to say, “More research is needed.”

Quercetin and Brain Health

Scientists are also hopeful about quercetin’s potential as a therapy to prevent the progression of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s. It may shield your brain cells from harmful effects caused by unstable molecules (there’s that antioxidant superpower again) while also reducing the breakdown of fats in the brain.

Quercetin also stops the buildup of specific harmful proteins, preventing cell destruction and what’s ominously known as inflammatory cascade pathways.

In addition to Alzheimer’s, other neurodegenerative diseases that are fueled by inflammation include Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The inflammation in the brain among these disorders can lead to neuronal cell death, with devastating consequences for health, life span, and quality of life.

Recent research has uncovered a possible mechanism by which quercetin can put a stop to this inflammation — by influencing the expression of microRNA. MicroRNA is a small noncoding RNA molecule involved in various biological processes, including development, cell differentiation, and proliferation. Some researchers believe that quercetin’s ability to influence microRNA could be a powerful tool in preventing the damage that accompanies inflammation, and they’re exploring methods of delivering the nutrient in ways that increase its efficacy.

Quercetin Bioavailability

Beautiful black woman eating healthy fresh organic salad

Your body can’t make its own quercetin, so the only way to take advantage of this amazing compound is to get it from food or supplements. If you’re eating a nutritionally excellent diet with a variety of whole plant foods, the good news is that you can expect to consume up to 13 milligrams of quercetin per day.

The less good news is that quercetin bioavailability is generally low. Or at least, humans don’t appear to be very good at absorbing it. All is not lost, though. It turns out that some of your gut microbes are very good at metabolizing quercetin into forms your body can use and benefit from.

There are several ways to increase the bioavailability of quercetin. A 2005 study measured the amount of quercetin in several onion cultivars that were either baked, sautéed, or boiled. Researchers found that baking and sautéing increased quercetin concentrations while boiling decreased them.

You can also absorb more quercetin if you pair quercetin-containing foods with a fat source. That’s because quercetin dissolves in fat, which is why it’s known as lipophilic. And having those foods along with sources of water-soluble fiber, such as pectin and soybeans, may also improve quercetin bioavailability.

Finally, quercetin is more bioavailable when consumed as part of a whole food. That is to say, your body appears to recognize it and know what to do with it when it is delivered in a familiar package, together with all the other phytonutrients contained in that food.

Food Sources of Quercetin

Top Quercetin Foods Infographic

Should You Take Quercetin Supplements?

Since quercetin is in so many different plant foods, for most people, supplements are probably not necessary — especially since whole-food sources appear to be more bioavailable.

There might be some instances, however, in which quercetin supplements could be beneficial. For someone suffering from chronic inflammation, supplemental quercetin may help. And studies have shown that it can inhibit histamine production and pro-inflammatory mediators, which could help allergy sufferers.

A 2016 study of rats who had had noxious chemicals sprayed into their nostrils found that supplementing at 25 milligrams per kilogram of body weight for at least five days reduced nasal rubbing and sneezing. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

As we’ve seen, quercetin supplementation can reduce the length and seriousness of COVID-19, especially if administered at an early stage. It may also be able to improve performance and recovery in athletes, who seem to need more antioxidants than other people to counter the oxidative damage brought on by intense physical exertion.

In terms of safety, clinical trials of supplemental quercetin have shown no significant side effects with doses of up to 1,000 milligrams per day for up to 12 weeks. As quercetin isn’t very bioavailable to begin with, supplements often include another bioactive compound that can help with absorbability. Quercetin may be absorbed more effectively when combined with bromelain, zinc, and/or vitamin C.

Editor’s note: Gade Nutrition makes a vegan and non-GMO quercetin supplement that comes with bromelain, zinc, and vitamin C. Find out more here.

Side Effects of Quercetin Supplements

Thinking about her journey with breast cancer, a mature adult woman leans against the window and looks out. Productions

The most common side effects of quercetin supplements are headache and upset stomach.

In terms of drug interactions — quercetin can impact how the body responds to certain medications, including blood thinners, antibiotics, and other drugs with a similar chemical structure. Quercetin may also interact with chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer. Whether it improves their effectiveness or gets in their way is still up for debate.

And in female rats with estrogen-induced breast cancer, even dietary quercetin was problematic, as it increased tumor severity. However, it remains to be seen whether the same can be said for humans.

Since studies show that quercetin can significantly lower blood pressure and may protect cardiovascular health, it may enhance the effects of blood pressure and blood-thinning medications. Therefore, it’s probably best to talk with your health care provider before starting quercetin supplementation if you’re taking these types of medications.

Recipes with Quercetin

From delightful salads featuring quercetin-packed blueberries to a hearty dish that incorporates quercetin-rich artichokes, these recipes provide delicious ideas for how to enjoy everyday quercetin-filled foods. Enjoy the healing benefits of quercetin to help nourish your heart health, immune system, brain function, and more — all while indulging in plenty of delicious whole food, plant-based ingredients!

1. Cinnamon Apple Breakfast Smoothie

Indulge in our Cinnamon Apple Breakfast Smoothie, a delightful morning treat that not only tantalizes your taste buds but will also boost your day with quercetin and other vital nutrients. At the heart of this smoothie lies the unassuming apple, packed with quercetin, a potent flavonoid renowned for its antioxidant prowess. By including an apple in your smoothie, you’re also inviting the goodness of quercetin to join the party, enhancing both flavor and nutrition.

2. The Shine Brightly Salad

Shine Brightly Salad

We just love how The Shine Brightly Salad can’t help but put a smile on people’s faces. The addition of sweet and juicy blueberries is one big reason why! Blueberries are bursting with quercetin, which is your ally in the fight against oxidative stress and inflammation. Plus, when combined with fresh leafy greens and toasty sunflower seeds, you’ll enjoy a fresh and vibrant salad that will help you shine from the inside out!

3. Cheesy Artichoke and Asparagus Penne

Artichokes are among the top quercetin-rich veggies — and boy, oh boy, do we love them (and hope you do, too!). This Cheesy Artichoke and Asparagus Penne is loaded with powerful antioxidants, phytochemicals, and essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, niacin, and folate. Adding artichokes to your diet regularly is a great way to lower inflammation and increase healing through plant power. What’s more, this colorful pasta has tons of fiber from the veggies, whole grains, and lentils, as well as protein from the lentils — so you’ve got the complete package when it comes to this meal.

Embrace the Power of Quercetin

Quercetin, a compound found in some of our most popular fruits and vegetables, is a powerhouse of nutritional goodness. Thanks to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting abilities, it appears to be something of a dietary medicine cabinet in a single nutrient.

Some people, such as athletes and those suffering from respiratory illnesses like COVID-19, may benefit from supplementation. But for most people, eating a varied and balanced diet will allow you to get the quercetin (and other phytonutrients and antioxidants) you need to optimize your health.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Which colors of the “food rainbow” do you want to eat more often?
  • What are your favorite quercetin-containing foods?
  • Which quercetin-rich recipe will you try next?

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Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You Wed, 15 Nov 2023 18:00:00 +0000 Polyphenols are compounds that give many plant foods their vibrant colors and distinctive tastes. They not only protect plants from disease and sun damage, but when you eat those plants, you’re getting similar benefits. So what does the evidence say about how polyphenols can fight chronic disease, and what the best sources are?

The post Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

Imagine you’re a plant. You can’t run away from the insects trying to eat you alive. You can’t wash off bacteria, viruses, or fungi before they can infect you. And you can’t put on SPF 50 sunscreen or a big floppy hat to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

What do you do to stay alive and thrive in the face of all these challenges? If you answered “synthesize polyphenols,” then congratulations! You’ve just won this round of “Are You as Smart as a Plant?”

Polyphenols are a class of compounds (a huge class, actually, made up of at least 8,000 different ones that we know of) that are in a wide variety of plant foods. You may have heard of some of them, like resveratrol (found in grapes and red wine) and EGCG (featured in green tea).

Plants produce them as protection from various threats, including disease and sun damage. And animals who consume those plants can also benefit from polyphenols in similar ways.

As industrialized societies struggle to contain multiple epidemics of chronic disease, many medical experts and researchers are now pointing to polyphenols (and other nutrients found in whole, minimally processed plant foods) as powerful allies in preventing and treating a variety of chronic conditions.

So in this article, we’ll explore the world of polyphenols, including how they work in your body, their health benefits, and whether you should get them from food or supplements.

What Are Polyphenols?

Curcuma longa, powder and rhizomes. Complementary medicine

Polyphenols are natural compounds found in various plants. Researchers consider polyphenols to be kind of “bonus” compounds, or in their jargon, “secondary metabolites.” This means they’re not directly involved in the growth, development, or reproduction of a plant.

Plants produce polyphenols as a defense mechanism against ultraviolet radiation and aggression from pathogens. But they aren’t purely defensive; they’re also deployed to attract pollinators.

From our perspective, polyphenols play a significant role in the flavors and health benefits that many plant foods offer. They can change the way plants taste, and determine their colors and aromas.

Polyphenols are also antioxidants, so their presence can keep plant foods from rotting (a trick known as “oxidative stability”). They also can help prevent oxidative stress in your body after you consume them, which can help stave off many types of disease.

There are several subfamilies of polyphenols, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and lignans. In addition to resveratrol and EGCG mentioned above, another well-studied polyphenol is curcumin, found in turmeric root and powder.

What Are the Health Benefits of Polyphenols?

The “poly” in polyphenol means that all compounds in this family have multiple phenolic hydroxyl groups — but could just as easily refer to their ability to prevent and treat multiple health conditions.

Polyphenols and Cancer Prevention

Both test-tube and animal studies suggest that polyphenols can help prevent the initiation and progression of several cancers. They do this via a number of mechanisms, including inhibiting the proliferation and spread of cancer cells, suppressing tumor growth, preventing the formation of new blood vessels, and fighting inflammation.

Different classes of polyphenols exhibit different anticancer properties. For example, flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol, can inhibit cancer cell growth and induce cancer cell death. Resveratrol suppresses tumor growth, inhibiting metastasis and reducing angiogenesis. And curcumin, derived from turmeric, is multitalented; it’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, apoptotic, antiangiogenic — and a bunch of other words that don’t begin with A.

Many forms of polyphenols are also known to influence critical signaling pathways that are integral to the initiation, advancement, and spread of cancer.

And polyphenols aren’t just cancer fighters on their own; they’re also team players. Researchers have found that polyphenol combinations are more powerful than the effects of each one individually. For example, a mixture containing quercetin, curcumin, green tea, Cruciferex (a proprietary blend of polyphenols found in cruciferous vegetables), and resveratrol significantly inhibited the growth of a particular cancer of the head and neck.

Polyphenols and Heart Health

Heart shaped blueberries with one raspberry on a gray wooden background

Polyphenols can also protect your heart in a bunch of different ways. They reduce cardiac inflammation and oxidative stress, support cell mitochondria in doing their job properly, and increase survival signaling (the ways cells talk to each other when they encounter a potential threat).

Some polyphenols have also been found to reduce the formation of blood clots, which decreases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. And the flavonoid family of polyphenols promotes the dilation of blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure and improve blood flow — both of which help with cardiovascular health.

Polyphenols can also improve your cholesterol profile — specifically, lowering LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

Some polyphenols are not easily absorbed by your small intestine, but it turns out that these polyphenols can be metabolized by the microbes in your gut into compounds that contribute to cardiovascular health.

Impressed by these myriad beneficial mechanisms, some researchers are now studying therapeutic protocols for using polyphenols in medicine to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease.

Polyphenols and Diabetes

One of the most dangerous consequences of diabetes can be vascular disorders, where persistent high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels through inflammation, oxidation, and cell death. Polyphenols can combat all three mechanisms. And scientists are exploring how to use them to modulate the expression of the genes involved in the development of vascular conditions.

Human and animal studies (our views on the use of animals in medical research can be found here) show that polyphenols can lower high blood sugar levels and enhance the body’s ability to secrete insulin quickly and respond to it effectively.

It appears polyphenols accomplish this via several mechanisms. They slow down how quickly your body absorbs sugar from the food you eat. And they encourage your pancreas to produce more insulin in response to carbohydrate consumption. They also regulate how much glycogen the liver releases into your blood in the form of sugar.

If all that wasn’t enough, polyphenols also help insulin receptors work more efficiently and help tissues absorb more sugar than they would otherwise.

Polyphenols also fight diabetes by helping to protect pancreas cells that produce insulin from damage due to high glucose levels. They also promote the growth of these cells and slow down their death.

Polyphenols and Osteoporosis Benefits

Mid adult black woman having snack at home office

As you age, you lose bone mass — that’s natural. But your diet and lifestyle can significantly influence the rate at which that happens. In some people, the process accelerates due to oxidative stress messing with the living tissues in bone: the osteoblasts and osteoclasts that build and break down bone, respectively.

Since polyphenols are such powerful antioxidants, researchers theorized that eating berries (one of the richest food sources of the compounds) could help reduce bone loss due to stress and aging. And they might have been on to something because several studies have now shown that people who eat a lot of berries also have higher bone mass. Since the standard pharmaceutical treatments for osteoporosis have a high rate of serious side effects, there’s a lot to be gained by exploring how eating polyphenol-rich foods can help prevent or slow bone loss.

In addition to oxidative damage, it appears that bone loss can also be caused by inflammation. A 2019 literature review found evidence that polyphenol-containing foods like fruits, vegetables, tea, and soy may combat osteoporosis by reducing inflammation, thus allowing the body’s bone remodeling process to proceed without hindrance.

A 2023 study out of Korea also found concrete evidence for the link between high polyphenol intake and protection from osteoporosis. Researchers gave bone density tests and food intake questionnaires to 4,600 women and followed up with them for an average of five years. They found that the postmenopausal women who reported eating the most phytochemical-rich foods (i.e., those high in polyphenols) had a 16% lower risk of developing osteoporosis than those who ate the least.

Polyphenols and Brain Health

One of your body’s most important functions goes by the strange name autophagy, which literally means “eating oneself.” Instead of visualizing someone chomping on their own arm, however, think of your tissues constantly absorbing and discarding malfunctioning cells, proteins, and other bits and bobs that are no longer doing their jobs. This process in the brain is key in protecting you from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, and other types of dementia.

Research shows that polyphenols support the brain’s clean-up process by removing misfolded proteins. They also reduce brain inflammation and stress, helping protect the brain from damage that can lead to neurodegenerative conditions.

Polyphenols are especially suited to supporting your cognitive health for several reasons. First, unlike many other nutrients, they can easily pass into your brain from your bloodstream (crossing that very finicky blood-brain barrier). Second, they help to remove harmful substances known as reactive oxygen species that can damage your brain cells. Third, they can capture and neutralize certain metal ions, such as copper and iron, that could be harmful to your brain in high concentrations.

But wait — there’s more! Polyphenols have another special brain ability: They can increase the amount of neurotrophic factors in your brain that promote the health and growth of your nerve cells. By attaching themselves to the receptors of these neurotrophic factors on the surface of nerve cells, polyphenols enhance the cells’ abilities to adapt, survive, multiply, and grow. It appears, in fact, that polyphenols can not only protect your brain from degeneration but may even support learning, memory, and other cognitive abilities.

Is There an RDA for Polyphenols?

Colorful vegetarian or veganuary plates on table, view from above, top view. Healthy diet or lifestyle concept with green, healthy salads and hummus.

Given how awesome polyphenols are, you might think that government bodies tasked with setting nutritional standards would have come up with a recommended daily allowance (RDA). But no such standard exists in the US because the compounds aren’t considered “essential” nutrients — that is, there aren’t any diseases specifically caused by a deficit, the way insufficient vitamin C leads to scurvy and not enough B1 inevitably produces beriberi.

Instead, not getting enough polyphenols can shorten a lifespan by making a person more likely to develop one of the chronic diseases mentioned above. For example, a 2013 study found that people who consumed more than 650 milligrams of polyphenols per day had a 30% lower chance of dying in any given year compared with people who got less than 500 milligrams per day.

So instead of a numerical RDA, the quasi-governmental Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends five fruits and/or vegetables a day, which theoretically would give you a significant amount of polyphenols. And if you “eat the rainbow” pretty much every day — that is, consume foods of many different colors (and no, Skittles don’t count) — you’ll also therefore get a wide range of polyphenols.

What Foods Are Rich in Polyphenols?

Foods High in Polyphenols Infographic

What Influences Polyphenol Amounts?

Unfortunately, you can’t simply look up a food’s polyphenol content in an online database and know exactly how much you’ll get when you eat that food. And even if you could, there are various factors that can influence how much you actually absorb.

Polyphenol Bioavailability

On the whole, polyphenols tend to have low bioavailability, which means your body can absorb and use only a small percentage of what you swallow.

The exact conversion ratio is based on many factors, including the health and makeup of your gut microflora. Since your microbiome can change on a constant basis, depending on what you feed it, how much of the polyphenols in your food you can actually get into your cells may also vary widely from day to day.

Also, the different polyphenols differ greatly in how bioavailable they are. The most abundant dietary polyphenols typically have lower absorption rates than less common ones.

Food Handling Impact

Organic apples and citrus fruits in a container from a fridge. Close up.

How plant-based foods are processed, stored, and cooked also strongly influences their polyphenol content.

If you remove the peels and hulls of certain foods, you can lower their polyphenol content. On the other hand, macerating (such as in a blender or food processor) some foods can increase their polyphenol content.

When it comes to food storage, the cold storage of apples, pears, and onions appears to maintain high polyphenol levels. But when cut fruits turn brown, which tends to happen if they are exposed to air, they begin to lose polyphenols.

Many foods lose polyphenol levels with time. For example, in wheat flour, concentrations of polyphenols drop by about 70% after six months. But black tea actually increases its polyphenol content after some oxidation.

Some polyphenol levels also increase with cooking, while others decrease — it depends on the food, the particular polyphenolic compound, and the cooking method. For example, onions and tomatoes lose between 75% and 80% of their initial quercetin content after boiling for 15 min, and 65% after cooking in a microwave oven.

So Should You Take Polyphenol Supplements?

A limited amount of research has indicated that people may possibly see benefits from polyphenol supplements. For example, athletes who were experiencing physiological stress were given polyphenol supplements, and they experienced some benefits in performance and recovery.

But the evidence is a bit murky: Many researchers don’t use pure polyphenols or mixtures, but add in other antioxidants — so it’s hard to know how much of the benefit is coming from the polyphenols, the other active ingredients, or some synergistic interaction of multiple elements.

There’s also not a lot of safety data available about these supplements. And as polyphenol marketing gives these compounds their place in the sun, some manufacturers are taking advantage of their popularity to create mega-dose formulations that have never been tested for safety or efficacy.

Because research on the benefits of polyphenols typically uses amounts much higher than those commonly found in human diets, we just don’t know the levels at which they are safe and beneficial for human consumption.

Some supplements (including those containing polyphenols) could cause liver damage in high doses, and may also block the absorption of nonheme iron, which is an essential nutrient.

Perhaps the best argument against supplementation is that it’s probably completely unnecessary for most people, as polyphenols are abundantly available in a wide variety of fresh and healthful foods.

Plus, just like every other plant-based antioxidant and phytonutrient, polyphenols work better in harmony with other nutrients that naturally occur in food. And when you consume whole plant-based foods, you also get the benefit of fiber and other health-promoting micronutrients.

In general, most people are better off getting their nutrition from food rather than from supplements, and there’s no reason to think that polyphenols are an exception.

Polyphenol Recipes

From bitter to salty, from sweet to tart, polyphenols are in abundance in many of your favorite plant-based foods. These delicious and nourishing polyphenol recipes are a great way to experiment with and incorporate them into your daily meal routine.

1. Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie

Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie

Coffee is a plentiful source of polyphenols as it contains chlorogenic acids, which fight free radicals and prevent oxidative stress damage, making it a potent antioxidant-rich ingredient. Not only does it give you a burst of energy — you get a powerful health boost, too! Together with creamy banana, nutty tahini, nutrient-rich cauliflower, and sweet spices, this Banana Tahini Coffee Smoothie is an easy-peasy and ultra-creamy way to enjoy polyphenols.

2. Apple Walnut Sage Dressing

Apple Walnut Sage Dressing

Apples have an abundance of polyphenols, more specifically anthocyanins, flavanols (catechins), flavonols (quercetin, rutin), chlorogenic and caffeic acids, and dihydrochalcones, which can help to reduce inflammation, support your immune system, and even help with seasonal allergies! We don’t think you’ll need any more convincing, but this creamy Apple Walnut Sage Dressing is an inflammation-fighting, health-promoting, and deliciously sweet and savory sauce that is the perfect polyphenol-rich addition to your favorite summer or fall salad.

3. The Shine Brightly Salad

Shine Brightly Salad

We love The Shine Brightly Salad for many reasons. And the addition of sweet and juicy blueberries is a major factor! Blueberries are loaded with anthocyanins, resveratrol, and flavonols (quercetin), which are all under the umbrella of polyphenols. You’ll also get a hefty dose of health-promoting spinach, red onion, sunflower seeds, and lemon juice. With so many colorful plant foods combined, you know you’ll be getting a wide variety of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other polyphenols that will keep your body in tip-top shape — and shining brightly from the inside out!

Eat More Plants to Reap the Benefits of Polyphenols

From fending off cancer and heart disease to supporting healthy blood sugar levels and bone density, polyphenols are like real superheroes of our dietary choices, working tirelessly to safeguard our well-being. These compounds are readily available in a wide array of whole foods.

While some individuals may find benefit from polyphenol supplements, on the whole, the safety and efficacy of high-dose polyphenol supplements remain unclear. So it’s probably best to get your polyphenols from food. And let your plate be a canvas of color and flavor, celebrating the goodness that polyphenols have to offer.

Tell us in the comments:

  • What are your favorite foods from each color of the rainbow?
  • Are there polyphenol-rich foods that you’d like to add to your diet?
  • Which recipe will you try next?

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The post Polyphenols: Nature’s Prescription for a Healthier You appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

What Are Antioxidants? And What Are the Most Antioxidant-Rich Foods? Wed, 01 Nov 2023 17:00:00 +0000 The word “antioxidant” is thrown around a lot in the health and wellness space. But what does it really mean? Why are antioxidants good for you? Are there any you should avoid? And which foods and beverages pack the most beneficial antioxidant punch?

The post What Are Antioxidants? And What Are the Most Antioxidant-Rich Foods? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, few terms pop up as frequently as “antioxidants”. But do we truly understand the word’s significance?

In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to demystify the realm of antioxidants, delving into what they are, the types of antioxidants, and why they’re essential for our well-being.

Join us as we uncover the vibrant world of antioxidants and unveil the top foods and beverages that deliver a potent dose of these health-enhancing compounds.

Oxidation and Free Radicals

“Antioxidant” is a scientific term that literally means “substance that inhibits oxidization.” So in order to understand antioxidants, it helps to first understand oxidation and what happens during this process.

Oxidation happens naturally as your cells process the oxygen you breathe and convert it into energy. During this process, electrons pass along a series of molecules in something called cellular respiration. However, some electrons break free and become unpaired, damaging cells and DNA in their search for other electrons.

Molecules with one or more electrons are called free radicals.

Some free radicals form during natural processes like inflammation from an acute injury. But others develop in response to external factors like fried foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke, pesticides, pollutants in the air, and eating an unhealthy diet.

While free radicals aren’t inherently bad (your body uses them for certain processes, like fighting off problematic bacteria), they are highly unstable and can cause damage to your DNA, proteins, and cell membranes. The key is to have a balance — enough free radicals for their useful functions but not so many as to cause damage. When there are too many free radicals, they overwhelm the body’s natural repair processes and cause health problems.

Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants

Oxidative Stress Diagram. Vector illustration flat design

A buildup of too many free radicals in the body is known as oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is thought to be a leading cause of age-related and non-age-related deterioration and disease, including memory loss, the breakdown of organs, autoimmune disorders, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and even wrinkles.

And that’s where antioxidants come into play. They are the good guys in the fight against excessive free radicals and subsequent oxidative stress. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals from oxidation by giving them the electrons they need to stabilize.

This is not just a one-and-done situation, however. Every day, your body is creating free radicals. So you need to consume antioxidants daily in order to keep your cells healthy and in balance. Without antioxidants, free radicals would build up and create significant oxidative stress, putting you at higher risk for a number of chronic diseases and other health issues. This is called oxidative debt.

What’s the Solution to Oxidative Debt?

It’s estimated that we need between 8,000 and 11,000 antioxidant units per day to avoid a deficit. But the average American doesn’t even get half the minimum recommended amount of antioxidants.

This deficiency may be part of the reason why oxidative stress-related diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, are so prevalent in industrialized countries.

The solution? We need to consume more antioxidants.

What Are the Different Kinds of Antioxidants?

There are thousands of substances that act as antioxidants in the body. However, not all antioxidants are interchangeable or operate exactly the same way. Some antioxidants excel at fighting certain types of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as free radicals, while others are effective only in specific parts of your cells.

Your body naturally produces some antioxidants, but most of them have to come from your diet.

While most foods contain some antioxidants, plant foods are the primary source. On average, plant-based foods contain 64 times more antioxidants than animal-based foods.

So what are the most important antioxidants to pay attention to?

Vitamin E

Small chalkboard with phrase Vitamin E and different products on wooden table, flat lay Chernetska

While there are eight forms of fat-soluble vitamin E, α-tocopherol is the most bioactive form of this antioxidant in humans. Vitamin E supports cardiovascular health and immune function, and is good for your eyes, skin, and brain. But it’s necessary to get it from food rather than supplements to reap its benefits. Top food sources include nuts, seeds, avocado, bell peppers, and mango.

For more on vitamin E, including the best sources, see our article, here.

Vitamin C

This crucial water-soluble antioxidant has actually been shown to regenerate other antioxidants. While it’s best known for preventing scurvy and maybe the common cold, vitamin C is also necessary for collagen production and can protect your skin from the sun. Top food sources include citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, papaya, and brussels sprouts.

To find out more about the benefits of vitamin C, see our article, here.

Vitamin A

Orange fruit and vegetables containing plenty of beta carotene

Technically, vitamin A is a group of compounds known as fat-soluble retinoids, rather than a single vitamin. Together, these compounds make up vitamin A, which is an important antioxidant for eye health specifically, as well as immune support and reproductive health. There are both active forms and precursors available in food, the former mainly being in animal products while the latter are found in plants.

Plant-based vitamin A compounds are called carotenoids and include beta-carotene and lycopene, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin. While not all of these carotenoids convert to vitamin A, they are all important antioxidants for good health.

For more on vitamin A and carotenoids, see our article, here.

  • Beta-carotene — This red/orange plant pigment combines with other elements to form vitamin A in your body. Top food sources include carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, spinach, kale, cantaloupe, and apricots.
  • Lycopene — This fat-soluble antioxidant can mostly be found in red- and pink-hued foods. The most famous source is tomatoes, but it’s also found in watermelon, pink grapefruit, pink guava, papaya, and goji berries.
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin — These carotenoids are vital for good vision and work together to protect your eyes from oxidative stress. Top sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are cantaloupe, corn, carrots, and red and yellow bell peppers.


This important antioxidant is actually a mineral and originates in soil, where it’s soaked up by growing plants. Selenium is crucial for reproductive hormones as well as thyroid health. Top food sources include Brazil nuts, brown rice, mushrooms, oatmeal, and spinach.


Inscription Zn, Ingredients or products containing zinc and dietary fiber on white board, natural sources of minerals, healthy lifestyle and nutrition

The mineral zinc can work as an antioxidant in the body. However, it also works synergistically with other antioxidants to increase their impact. Zinc is essential for DNA protection, wound healing, and the health and functioning of your immune system. For some people, leading sources of zinc are seafood like oysters, crab, and lobster. But good plant-based sources include nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes.

For more on the benefits and risks of zinc, and how much you need, see our article, here.


Polyphenols are a category of pigments, of which the largest group is called flavonoids. They include subgroups like flavones (luteolin and apigenin), anthocyanidins (malvidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and cyanidin), flavanones (hesperetin, eriodictyol, and naringenin), and isoflavones (genistein, glycitein, and daidzein). Best known for their disease-protective effects, polyphenols can be found in many different types of plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Coffee, tea, and dark chocolate are also popular sources of polyphenols.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Close-up of omega 3 vegan food in bowls on black table. Fresh green spinach, flax seeds, walnuts,  and brussel sprouts in bowls on a table.

These polyunsaturated fatty acids come in three main forms: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Some plant foods have ALA, but EPA and DHA are found mainly in fish, certain sea vegetables, and algae. The human body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, though the efficiency of conversion varies from person to person.

Some people are efficient converters and may do just fine if they eat plenty of ALA. Others benefit from a direct form of DHA and EPA — whether from fish, fish oil, or from an algae-based supplement. Popular foods highest in ALA are flax seeds and chia seeds, with moderate amounts in hemp seeds and walnuts.

Omega-3s are beneficial for brain and heart health along with possessing anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting qualities.

For more on omega-3 fatty acids, including the best sources and how much you need, see our article, here.

Are Antioxidant Supplements Worthwhile?

Many antioxidants are available as highly concentrated supplements. So how does that compare to eating them in food directly?

In a 2004 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers put some participants on a fruit- and vegetable-heavy diet while giving others a supplement containing the same antioxidant nutrients.

The study leaders concluded that dietary intervention was better than the supplements at combating oxidative stress.

Foods contain a variety of antioxidants that work synergistically, so they tend to be more effective than supplements, which offer nutrients in isolation.

In fact, the majority of studies on antioxidant supplements have concluded that they provide few, if any, significant health benefits.

Risks of Antioxidant Supplements

Capsules and pills of nutritional supplements and fresh vegetables and fruits background, concept of healthy life and supplementation Serrano Valera

While I’m not aware of any research that shows problems ensuing from overconsumption of antioxidants from food, it does seem that some antioxidants can be harmful when taken excessively in supplement form. For example:

  • Beta-carotene: A 1996 study published in The FASEB Journal found that beta-carotene supplements may actually increase lung cancer incidence in smokers. This conclusion was also confirmed again in a 2019 randomized, double-blind trial among Finnish men.
  • Vitamin E: A 2005 meta-analysis published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found that taking a daily dose of 200 IU of vitamin E per day did not raise the risk of death and had possible health benefits. However, the researchers found that for those taking daily doses of 400 IU or more, the risk of death was about 10% higher than among those taking placebos.
  • Selenium: High levels of selenium supplementation have been linked to type 2 diabetes, high triglycerides, prostate cancer, heart disease, and issues with immune and thyroid function.

Top Antioxidant-Rich Foods

12 High Antioxidant Foods

In a 2010 study published in Nutrition Journal, researchers measured the antioxidant concentration of more than 3,100 foods, including everything from nuts and seeds to breakfast cereals and grilled chicken.

Their conclusion? “Antioxidant-rich foods originate from the plant kingdom while meat, fish, and other foods from the animal kingdom are low in antioxidants.”

Here are 12 of the top antioxidant-rich foods and spices; and remember, it’s important to eat organic as much as possible because pesticides can also create free radicals in our bodies:

1. Clove

Close up of clove in a wooden spoon on old table

The study mentioned above ranks clove as one of the foods with the highest antioxidant capacities thanks to its high levels of phenolic compounds. Clove is also known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory capabilities, making it an important food for immunity. While often associated with the holidays, ground clove has a sweet-meets-savory flavor and can be used in desserts, mocktails, soups, and many other flavorful dishes.

2. Pomegranate

Both pomegranate arils and juice have a high antioxidant content due to their flavonols, vitamin C, and the anthocyanins that give them their color. The compounds in pomegranates make for effective free radical scavengers and can reduce oxidative stress. Use the arils in salads and desserts, and the juice in dressings, marinades, and beverages.

For more on pomegranates and their benefits, check out our in-depth article on them.

3. Artichokes

Fresh raw organically grown artichoke flower buds on wooden table.

According to the aforementioned Nutrition Journal study, artichokes are among the top antioxidant-rich veggies. But don’t just eat the hearts — the leaves contain a lot of the good stuff, including phytochemicals and flavonols! If you’ve never cooked whole artichokes, it’s easier than it appears. Find out more in our article, Artichokes: Nutrition, Benefits, & How to Cook and Eat Them.

4. Oregano

A great addition to plant-based pizza or almost any savory dish, oregano is big on taste and nutrient density. Research has found it to be a strong antioxidant due to the phenols carvacrol and thymol.

You can easily grow oregano at home in an indoor or outdoor garden, along with other antioxidant-rich herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, and sage. We use it in our Vegan Feta, and it is absolutely delicious!

For more on oregano, see our article, here.

5. Allspice

Old wooden table with Allspice powder (detailed close-up shot)

This versatile spice contains vitamin A, vitamin C, eugenol, quercetin, and tannins. Often used as a folk remedy, allspice has antioxidant properties that are protective against cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders, and obesity. It’s commonly added to sweet dishes and baked goods, or for a more robust flavor, try adding it to stews, curries, and soups. Some people even like it in lasagna sauce!

6. Cinnamon

While not quite as potent as clove, cinnamon is another fragrant spice commonly used in baked goods and other sweets that’s a powerful antioxidant. It’s also known for its specific ability to relax blood vessels, making it a valuable functional food for metabolic disorders. To reap its full benefits, use it with other nutrient-dense foods like oats or legumes.

7. Moringa

moringa leaf powder in a small bowl with a spoon against a ceramic tile background

While you might expect to see other leafy greens on this list such as kale or collard greens, moringa packs an even more powerful punch. Although not as common as these other leafy greens, moringa is becoming more available either fresh or powdered. It’s a good thing, too, because it’s loaded with polyphenols, carotenoids, and vitamin C. And its capability to fight cell damage also gives it antitumor potential in fighting multiple types of cancer. Include it in smoothies and other beverages, along with soups, stews, and curries.

For more on moringa, read our in-depth article, Meet Moringa: What Is This Transformative Superfood Good For?

8. Blackberries

A 2023 study on blackberries showed they have powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activity. It also found they could have applications in both the prevention and treatment of various diseases linked to oxidative stress due to their high levels of anthocyanins, as well as vitamins A and C, carotenoids, and other phytochemicals. You can use blackberries however you use other berries, such as in smoothies and smoothie bowls, salads (including fruit salads), baked goods and other desserts, and mocktails.

If you’re interested in creative ways to enjoy berries, check out our article, 5 Healthy Berry Recipes & How to Use Berries.

9. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Of all the most eaten seeds, sunflower seeds rule them all in terms of antioxidant capacity. Sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E and also contain omega-3 fatty acids, polyphenols, and flavonoids. Although they’re plenty healthy on their own, sprouting the seeds may increase their antioxidant content. You can use sunflower seeds or sprouts in salads, granola, homemade crackers and other snack foods, and in veggie burgers.

10. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate may be responsible for up to 20% of antioxidant consumption in the US and Europe. But when it comes to chocolate, the higher the percentage of cocoa, the better. Dark chocolate has a wealth of antioxidant compounds including polyphenols, flavanols, and catechins. However, if you’re going to eat dark chocolate, you may want to find out the lead and cadmium content as heavy metals have become a concern. You can use chocolate in desserts like nice cream and baked goods, smoothies, overnight oats, or granola.

11. Walnuts

Walnuts against the background of cloth burlap Bagautdinov

Of all the commonly eaten nuts, when it comes to antioxidants, walnuts reign supreme. In fact, walnuts are one of the plant foods consistently ranked high in terms of antioxidant capacity. They had the highest level of polyphenols out of nine different nuts in one study, and showed potential for inhibiting atherosclerosis and preventing heart disease. Walnuts go well in baked goods, granola, oatmeal; sweet or savory side dishes; and in salads, sauces, and dressings.

12. Coffee

This popular beverage turns out to have loads of antioxidants such as flavonoids and quercetin. In fact, in many different countries, including the US, coffee is the #1 source of antioxidants — by a wide margin. Some researchers even consider caffeine to be an antioxidant, of which coffee also has plenty. Drink coffee straight to get the most bang for your buck. What you put in your coffee matters, as sugar and dairy can have harmful effects on your health and can decrease the coffee’s antioxidant effects.

For more on coffee, check out our in-depth article, here.

Antioxidant Recipes

The healing benefits of antioxidants never cease to amaze us, and what’s even more amazing are all the tasty ways you can consume them daily! Antioxidants are found in both sweet and savory plant-based foods, so no matter which tastes you prefer, we’ve got something for everyone with these antioxidant-rich recipes!

1. Morning Mocha Smoothie

Morning Mocha Smoothie

Coffee and chocolate may be two of the most soul-satisfying antioxidant-rich foods on the planet. Featuring them together creates a flavor combination that is simply blissful! Because you get two superfood stars in one scrumptious smoothie, you get tremendous amounts of polyphenols (a potent type of antioxidant). With the addition of bananas, dates, walnuts (which are also rich in antioxidants), and hemp seeds, you get a nutrient-powered smoothie that will surely give you a boost of energy to start the day!

2. Grilled Romaine, Sunflower, and Pomegranate Salad

Grilled Romaine Sunflower Seed Salad

Nutty sunflower seeds and tart pomegranate are the antioxidant duo you didn’t see coming! Grilled romaine not only puts a new spin on salad, but this recipe also provides an explosion of plant-based antioxidants like vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and polyphenols from the sunflower seeds as well as vitamin C, flavonols, and anthocyanins from the pomegranate. With so many antioxidant-rich ingredients in this simple yet delicious salad, it’s a winner both in nutrition and presentation!

3. Cheesy Artichoke and Asparagus Penne

Cheesy Artichoke and Asparagus Penne

Artichokes are among the top antioxidant-rich veggies — and boy, oh boy do we love them (and hope you do, too!) in this Cheesy Artichoke and Asparagus Penne! Full of powerful antioxidant properties, phytochemicals, and essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, niacin, and folate, adding artichokes to your diet regularly is a great way to turn down inflammation and turn up healing plant power. What’s more, this colorful pasta is packed with fiber from the veggies, whole grains, and lentils as well as protein from the lentils — so you’ve got the complete package when it comes to this meal.

Here’s What You Can Take Away from This Article

Now that we’ve taken a look at antioxidants, it’s time to eat the rainbow and spice up your daily diet with as many antioxidant foods as you can. They can help protect you from heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, vision loss, and many other health challenges. And they can even help you to feel and look younger!

When it comes to antioxidants, the whole really is greater than the sum of its parts. So feast on a variety of whole plant foods, and your body will thank you for the rest of your life.

Tell us in the comments:

  • How does this article change how you think about antioxidants?

  • What types of antioxidants do you need more of in your diet?

  • What are your favorite antioxidant-rich foods?

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The post What Are Antioxidants? And What Are the Most Antioxidant-Rich Foods? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

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What Is Selenium and Why Is it Important for Health? Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:00:00 +0000 Selenium, once thought to be poisonous, is now recognized as an essential nutrient. It plays a key role in many aspects of your health, including metabolism, immunity, and protection against various diseases. But can you get too much of this nutrient? What are the best food sources of selenium, and can you get enough from a plant-based diet?

The post What Is Selenium and Why Is it Important for Health? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.

The answer to “Is it good for you” questions is often “It depends on the dose.” For example, is water good for you? Eight cups a day, yes. Your house under surging rivers of it, no. Is iron good for you? Eating about 18 milligrams a day, for many people, absolutely. Getting clocked on the head by a 9-pound skillet? Not so much.

One of the poster children for dose dependence is the mineral selenium. It’s a trace element essential for human health, and science didn’t figure that out until the 1950s. Before then, most researchers were certain that it was as toxic as arsenic and, therefore, had no place anywhere near human mouths. They weren’t entirely wrong, as too much selenium is very bad for you indeed.

Selenium gained notoriety as a toxin long before scientists realized it was essential for health. While the first reported case of what was probably selenium poisoning goes way back — all the way back to Marco Polo, who wrote about a disease he encountered in 13th-century China that rotted horses’ hooves — it wasn’t until the 1930s that selenium became notorious as a potentially toxic element.

After eating plants with high selenium content over a period of time, animals like horses and cattle developed a disease graphically named the “blind staggers,” which featured such symptoms as blindness, loss of muscle control, disorientation, and respiratory distress.

And then, in 1957, scientists discovered a health benefit to the element when selenium supplementation was shown to prevent necrosis of the liver in rats. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

Further biochemical research found that selenium was essential for the function of an important group of antioxidant enzymes called glutathione peroxidases. That function appears to help with the prevention of several diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, thyroid problems, and neurological disorders.

So in this article, we’ll look at some of selenium’s most important benefits when it comes to your health. And since it’s critical for your survival, but too much can poison you, we’ll explore exactly how much you need. We’ll also identify the best sources, and set you up for selenium success if you eat an exclusively plant-based diet.

What Is Selenium?

Highlight on chemical element Selenium in periodic table of elements. 3D rendering Ganzo

Selenium, or Se on the periodic table, is a mineral found in soil. It exists in two forms: organic and inorganic. Plants can uptake the inorganic variety and transform it into organic selenium, as either selenomethionine or selenocysteine, which are bound to amino acids and help build proteins in plants, animals, and people. Like vitamins and certain amino acids, selenium synthesis doesn’t happen on its own in the body. Therefore, it’s necessary to get it from diet or supplementation.

First discovered in 1817, selenium means “moon” in Greek. It got that name when its discoverer, Jons Jacob Berzelius — who had a sulfuric acid factory in early 19th-century Sweden — originally mistook it for another recently discovered element, tellurium, which means “Earth element.”

The mistaken view that selenium and tellurium were the same arose, apparently, from the fact that they both smelled strongly of horseradish when burned! When he realized his mistake, Mr. Berzelius simply named it after the nearest heavenly body to the earth, which of course is the moon.

While tellurium is relatively rare and pretty much always hazardous to human health, selenium has a number of important uses in the body and is beneficial to health in appropriate doses (which we’ll go over shortly).

Selenium Benefits and Uses

Once scientists got their heads around the idea that selenium did things other than giving livestock the blind staggers, they began finding positive effects of selenium pretty much everywhere they looked. We now know that selenium supports cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, kidney and respiratory function, inflammatory response, thyroid function, and the body’s ability to fight infection.

Is Selenium Good for the Heart?

Close-up photo of a stressed man who is suffering from a chest pain and touching his heart area

Researchers in 2006 looked at 25 studies, dating back to 1982, that measured both incidence of coronary heart disease and levels of selenium found in participants’ blood and/or toenails. They found that a 50% increase in selenium concentration translated, on average, to a 24% decreased risk of heart disease.

Keshan’s disease, which causes enlargement of the heart and palpitations along with cardiomyopathy and heart failure, is also thought to originate from selenium-deficient soil. First reported in Keshan County, China, the disease killed thousands from the 1930s–1960s until selenium supplementation came along, leading to a reversal in the disease for many.

Selenium and Cancer

Some research suggests that supplementing with selenium can help prevent cancer, particularly for people who have low selenium levels to begin with, or who have a higher-than-average risk of developing cancer.

In one meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, researchers found that taking selenium supplements seemed to lower the overall chance of getting cancer.

We’ve also seen that patients with some cancers, including cervical, ovarian, endometrial, breast, and thyroid cancer, show reduced selenium levels. But correlation is not causation, and it can be hard to know whether selenium deficiency causes cancer, or whether cancer causes low selenium levels. That’s why it’s significant that one study found that selenium supplementation caused regression of the CIN1 type (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1, in case you were in suspense about that) of cervical cancer.

A 2016 meta-analysis of six case-control studies also found that people with the highest intake of selenium had a significantly reduced risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

And selenium definitely shines when it comes to reducing the risk of gastric cancer (aka stomach cancer). A 2016 meta-analysis of eight studies found that people with higher levels of selenium had a lower chance of getting stomach cancer, and were also less likely to die from the disease if they did get it.

Selenium COVID Benefits

Close-up of woman getting PCR test at home during COVID-19 epidemic. Senior woman is tested during home visit.

An intriguing 2023 study even looked at whether selenium levels in the blood have an impact on the development and severity of COVID-19. The researchers found that, on average, healthy people had higher selenium levels compared to those with COVID-19 symptoms. Whether COVID-19 lowers selenium stores or whether low selenium levels make it more likely to contract COVID-19 is still an open question that deserves further research.

Selenium and Asthma

Asthma is another condition where selenium appears to play a role — though here, too, we don’t yet understand which way the causal relationship goes. But, we do know that both adults and children diagnosed with asthma have lower selenium levels than those without the disease. And the less controlled the condition, the lower the levels of selenium.

Selenium and Kidney Disease

Businessman working sitting at desk feels unhealthy suffers from lower back pain. Damage of intervertebral discs, spinal joints, compression of nerve roots caused by wrong posture and sedentary work.

If selenium and your kidneys ever posted their relationship status on social media, it would definitely include the phrase “it’s complicated.” On the one hand, an analysis of 12 years of data for over 30,000 people showed that those who ingested more selenium had a lower risk of kidney stones compared to those who had less. This was especially true for younger people, males, and those who were overweight or obese.

On the other hand, a 2022 study suggested that higher selenium levels may impair kidney function. Using a statistical technique called Mendelian randomization (it’s also complicated, but basically it uses genes to “randomize” participants without having to actually put them into different groups with different treatments), researchers concluded that elevated levels of selenium are a causative factor for kidney function impairment.

Clearly, with selenium, not too much and not too little is the key.

Does Selenium Help with Inflammation?

Selenium also plays a role in reducing the kind of chronic inflammation that’s a root cause — or significant contributor — to many health conditions, including cardiovascular and most autoimmune diseases.

One of the most common ways researchers measure inflammation is through a biomarker called C-reactive protein, which they affectionately nickname CRP. CRP production happens in response to inflammation. So, if you can measure CRP levels, you have a proxy for the amount of inflammation in the body. A 2023 meta-analysis of 13 studies found that higher levels of selenium are associated with statistically significant (and, just as importantly, clinically meaningful) reductions in CRP levels.

Selenium and Thyroid Health

Senior patient with sore throat, doctor consultation

Selenium is important for the healthy functioning of your thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck that regulates metabolism, among other things. Selenium deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism (meaning the thyroid is underactive), which causes sluggishness and weight gain.

Supplementing with selenium has been shown to improve an autoimmune disease that targets the thyroid gland called thyroiditis (literally, inflammation of the thyroid). Other thyroid conditions that may benefit from selenium include Graves’ disease, Graves’ orbitopathy, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and cretinism.

How Much Selenium Is Necessary?

Here’s a handy-dandy chart for you to print or copy in case you’re into scrapbooking about your essential nutrients. In the case of selenium, the recommended intakes are in micrograms per day (µg/day).

Age Male (µg/day) Female (µg/day) Pregnancy (µg/day) Lactation (µg/day)
Birth to 6 months 15 15
7–12 months 20 20
1–3 years 20 20
4–8 years 30 30
9–13 years 40 40
14–18 years 55 55 60 70
19–50 years 55 55 60 70
51+ years 55 55

Selenium Content Variability

Brunette model hand holding white pot with brazilian nuts. Ricco

To recap: Selenium is an essential nutrient that’s found in soil. But not all soil is equally rich in it, so the selenium content of food depends on where it was grown (or, in the case of animal products, where what the animal ate was grown).

Within regions, there’s a huge variability in selenium concentrations, even from field to field. In the upper Midwest of the United States, researchers found a huge range in selenium content in various foods. How huge? Check out these examples:

Food Low (in µg/100 g) High (in µg/100 g)
Wheat flakes 11 774
Wheat 14 803
Beef 19 217

It gets worse. A 1996 study with the riveting title, “Selenium content of foods purchased in North Dakota,” reported that two brands of the exact same product, masa harina corn meal, bought at the same store, differed in their selenium content by a factor of 1,000%.

So what’s a person to do?

The most common “selenium hack” is to consume one or two Brazil nuts per day, which can deliver, on average, 96 micrograms of selenium (almost double an adult’s daily requirement). Brazil nuts are also highly variable in how much selenium they contain, with a low of 0.03 and a high of 512 micrograms per day (in other words, the nuts with the most selenium have over 17,000 times more than the ones with the least). But most of them contain a decent amount.

There is, however, a good reason to go a little easy on the Brazil nuts, which is their relatively high concentration of barium, an element that is known to be toxic when consumed in large amounts or over a long time. It’s unlikely to be a concern with a nut or two per day, but if you down a whole package of Brazil nuts, you’re liable to get a fairly massive dose of selenium, with a potentially concerning helping of barium on the side.

Also, if you take supplements, check to see if any of the formulas you’re taking contain selenium. If any of them do, that may well provide adequate selenium, in which case there is no need to eat a Brazil nut or two per day.

Foods Rich in Selenium

Petri dish with varieties of grains.

In general, there’s an association between the protein and selenium content of foods, with the highest-protein foods containing the most selenium. And since selenium is routinely added to animal feed to address selenium deficiency in human populations (though not in quantities that lead to the blind staggers), meat and other animal products tend to be high in the mineral.

If you don’t consume animal-derived products, the richest sources of selenium — aside from Brazil nuts (which are really in a class of their own) — are grain products such as cereal, pasta, and bread. To get the most selenium, choose whole grain products, which contain about twice as much selenium as refined ones. A single cup of cooked oatmeal contains about 40% of the recommended daily intake for an adult.

Some seeds, such as sunflower and sesame (including seed pastes like tahini), also contain a decent amount of selenium. Nuts other than Brazil nuts contain very small amounts of selenium — it’s like since they can’t compete, they’re not even trying. Legumes, including soybeans and soybean products, also deliver small amounts of selenium.

If you’re curious about the selenium status of just about every food you can think of, here’s a comprehensive database courtesy of the USDA.

Does Selenium Come with any Risks?

Obviously, you’ve got to treat any nutrient that can cause the blind staggers with a certain amount of respect. Even if you’re not a horse spending 20 hours a day munching on selenium-rich fodder you can overdose on selenium. Fortunately, there are really only two reliable ways to accomplish this dubious and dangerous achievement: through supplementation, or by eating very large amounts of Brazil nuts on a regular basis.

Some folks learned this the hard way after taking a particular liquid selenium supplement in 2008 that contained roughly 200 times the selenium content than was advertised on the label. According to the case report that was published in 2010, they developed symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, joint pain, nail discoloration, and nausea within two weeks. The symptoms persisted for 90 days or longer.

The Food and Nutrition Board of the US National Academies of Sciences has set the Upper Tolerable Limit for selenium intake at 400 µg/day. The World Health Organization and the governmental advisory boards of Australia and New Zealand agree, while the “safe upper limit” in the UK is a slightly higher 450 µg/day. If you stay below those limits, it seems you’re highly unlikely to wind up with any toxicity issues.

Is Selenium Supplementation Helpful?

Woman hand takes Selenium Mineral Supplement from medicine container

Too much selenium is not good news — but so is not enough. Fortunately, diets deficient in selenium are seldom seen in developed countries. In some places where the soil is selenium-poor and people rely on locally produced foods for the vast majority of their calories, population-wide selenium deficiencies can occur (like what was seen with Keshan’s disease in China).

In the United States and other modern societies, however, the vast majority of people get adequate amounts of selenium. However, studies from Europe do show lower serum concentrations of selenium in vegans and vegetarians, compared to omnivores. In fact, researchers found that one-third of vegetarians and 40% of vegans had selenium levels below 50 µg/L, which might be considered low.

But the bottom line on supplementation for most people is that it’s probably not necessary, as even those on the lower end are within reference ranges. Also, the population studies were conducted in Europe, and so may be less relevant to residents of North America, the vast majority of whom ingest adequate amounts of selenium.

And as with many nutrients, selenium supplementation may carry unpredictable effects. Food is not just a collection of isolated nutrients — it’s more of a symphony, with all of the components coming together to create a greater whole. And supplementing with even low levels of selenium could, at least potentially, have effects that aren’t what we might have anticipated or intended.

A 2007 study followed 1,200 people who lived in a part of the US where selenium consumption is low. Half were given 200 micrograms per day of selenium, and the other half received a placebo. Over an average of almost eight years of follow-up, the selenium group was 55% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. And those who were found to have the highest blood plasma selenium levels were almost three times more likely to develop the disease.

And in other studies, high levels of selenium supplementation have been linked to prostate cancer, heart disease, and issues with immune and thyroid function.

If you want to be on the safe side, you can “supplement” with a single Brazil nut per day, which, on average, will give you all the selenium your body requires while staying well below the safe upper limits mentioned previously. Personally, I think Brazil nuts taste better than any vitamin I’ve ever chewed on! And I like the fact that they are, in fact, a food.

Plant-Based, Selenium-Rich Recipes

By enjoying a colorful and varied plant-based diet, it may be easier to get enough selenium per day than you realize. From our creamy Brazil nut butter to our juicy All-American plant-based burger, these recipes are a great source of nourishing minerals and are a delight to devour!

1. Brazil Cashew Nut Butter

Brazil Cashew Nut Butter

The mild, buttery flavor of Brazil nuts makes them an excellent choice for delicious nut butter. And since they’re outrageously high in selenium (more than any other nut), a little bit goes a long way in terms of meeting your selenium needs. We’ve combined them with cashews for this nut butter recipe, which adds even more creaminess and a balance of minerals such as selenium, magnesium, and zinc.

2. Walnut and Lentil Stuffed Mushrooms

Walnut and Lentil Stuffed Mushrooms

Nearly every wholesome ingredient in these scrumptious and savory Walnut and Lentil Stuffed Mushrooms contributes to your daily selenium needs. With roughly 32µg of selenium per serving, these little bite-size beauties check all the culinary boxes from nutrition to flavor and could make a great appetizer at your next plant-based gathering!

3. All American (Plant!) Burger with Dehydrated Mushroom Bacon

All American (Plant!) Burger with Dehydrated Mushroom Bacon

Sink your teeth into this juicy All-American (Plant!) Burger. This juicy burger is made with a base of hearty brown rice, savory kidney beans, and naturally sweet root vegetables (beets and carrots, to be specific). It’s also topped with smoky, umami, and crunchy Dehydrated Mushroom Bacon. The All-American burger also comes with a good concentration of selenium per serving, thanks, in part, to the mushrooms. What’s more, this is a delicious and nut-free way to boost your selenium intake.

Selenium Is Important for Health — in Moderation

Selenium is a trace element essential for human health, with roles in metabolism, nervous and immune systems, DNA synthesis, thyroid function, and reproductive wellness.

While animal foods tend to be highest in selenium, there are many plant-based sources, and most people who eat foods from a variety of soils are getting enough selenium in their diets.

Supplementation can lead to excessive selenium, so for most people, it may be safest to stick to dietary sources. A single Brazil nut per day, for example, provides more than enough selenium without spiking blood levels into dangerous territory. Plus, it’s a food.

Tell us in the comments:

  • Where do you get your selenium? What foods do you regularly eat that contain significant quantities?

  • What foods might you add to your diet to ensure you’re getting enough of this essential nutrient?

  • What selenium-rich recipe will you prepare next?

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The post What Is Selenium and Why Is it Important for Health? appeared first on Food Revolution Network.
